passport laying on top of a world mapAre you tired of having to turn down vacation invitations from friends and family because you don’t have a passport? It’s time to get a valid passport so that you can live your life to the fullest. The world is a big place, and not being able to leave your home country because you don’t have proper documentation should no longer be keeping you from seeing and visiting every location you have dreamed of. Having a passport is becoming a necessity more and more. For one, you used to be able to go on a cruise without a passport as long as you had valid identification, but that is no longer enough in today’s world. So follow these steps to help get you on your way to getting a valid United States passport, and get you one step closer to seeing the world!

1. Gather the proper documentation 

In order to apply for a U.S. passport, you will need to have the proper documentation: proof of citizenship and proof of identity. There are many forms you can use to prove both of these. To prove citizenship, you can use expired passports, a birth certificate for those born in the United States, or a Certificate of Citizenship for those born outside the U.S. To prove your identity, you can use expired passports, driver’s license, military ID, or other identification items that include your photo and signature.

2. Take a passport photo

A passport photo is different than a normal photograph. To make things easy, many drug stores or places that process photos can take them for you for a small fee. And I know what you are thinking, no “selfies” allowed.

3. Fill out appropriate forms

There are forms that you will have to fill out, and for most people that form is a DS-11 form. You can find this form online, print it out, and fill it in. Or you can fill it out in person when you go to the local passport authority.

4. Submit documentation and forms in person

For those that are applying for their first passport, you will have to apply in-person. You can apply at your local passport authority including most city halls, public libraries, and post offices. For those that are renewing their passport, in most cases it can be done through mail.

5. Pay the fee

A first time passport for a U.S. adult is $135. It is less money if you are renewing a passport, $110. A first time passport for a minor (under age 16) is $115.


It is important to note that you should apply for a passport well in advance of your travel arrangements. The process can take a couple of months, so plan accordingly. Also, it is a good idea to keep track of your application status online by visiting the official website. The reason being is that you only have 90 days from the application date in order to report that your passport has not arrived. Otherwise you will need to go through the entire application process again.

We wish you safe travels along your journey. If you are interested in purchasing travel insurance, or have any questions or concerns, please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0)1624 678668 or visit us at Our insurance brokers have the experience to assist you in selecting the right plan for you and/or your family for the best value. 

How to Apply for a U.S. Passport?

United StatesLand of the free, home of the vacation? Visiting the United States is a great way to spend a vacation. The country has so much to offer, from amusement parks like Disney World, to big cities like New York City and Los Angeles, breathtaking natural sites such as the Grand Canyon, even tropical beaches in South Florida! There is something to do, no matter what type of vacation you are looking to go on. That may be the reason why the U.S. is the second most visited country in the world behind only France. With so many people traveling to the U.S, people are bound to have accidents, get sick, etc. So if a trip to the United States is in your future, here are 5 reasons to make sure you have sufficient health insurance coverage during your travels. 

The High Cost of Medical Care

There are places around the world that have government sponsored, affordable or free healthcare. While the U.S. has recently attained a government sponsored healthcare system, many would argue that it is anything but affordable for those who don’t have coverage. So whatever health care plan you have in your home country, likely will not work in the U.S. But better to be safe than sorry, and up with a medical bill that’s a few thousand dollars. For example, accidents happen, and you unfortunately fell and broke your leg while walking down the stairs of your hotel. The total cost of treatment could be as high as $2,500 without health insurance coverage. And if surgery is required, you’re looking at a total cost that could be over $15,000.

Accidental Death and Dismemberment 

Accidental Death and Dismemberment is essentially a fancy way of saying life insurance. You go through the similar process in selecting a beneficiary to receive a benefit in the event of your death or dismembering injury. No matter where you are traveling, it is a good idea to protect yourself and your loved ones in the event something happens to you.

Medical Evacuation/Repatriation 

Even though the United States has some of the best medical facilities in the world, it is possible that you may need to be medically evacuated to your home country in the event of a serious injury. Being medically evacuated from the U.S. can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. I think that is a good enough reason to make sure you’re covered. Also, in the event you pass away on your trip, repatriation should cover or assist in the returning of your remains to your home country. Otherwise, your family could be left to foot the bill of transporting your remains back home, which could be quite expensive.

24/7 Assistance 

While visiting a foreign country can be one of life’s greatest adventures, it can also be a scary and stressful one. Especially when visiting a country as large as the United States of America. That being said, many travel insurance companies offer a 24/7 hotline that you can call in the event something has happened to you, you’re lost, or help with any travel details. This can be even more helpful if the language spoken in the country you are visiting isn’t the same as your native tongue. 

There are fewer experiences that can be as fulfilling as traveling and experiencing different parts of the world. We hope that your trip is perfect, and that you never have to actually use your travel insurance. If you are interested in purchasing travel insurance, please contact our specialists at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0)1624 678668 or visit us at to help identify the right travel insurance plan for your particular situation. Have a wonderful vacation!

Going on Holiday to the U.S? The Reasons You Need Travel Insurance

travel insurance claimPicture it. Sun, beach, a fruity drink in hand and a cool breeze blowing your hair. You and your partner are having the best summer vacation ever, just relaxing on an exotic island in the Caribbean, a million miles away from the daily grind and stresses of life. And BOOM! Just like that you fall and twist your ankle and have to seek medical attention. Good thing you bought travel insurance! But now what? 

Be Prepared 

The best way to handle a claim, is to know your insurance policy inside and out. Knowing all of the intricacies of your policy will let you know how much time you have to contact your carrier, phone numbers to call, the coverage you have, etc. Read your policy before you go on your trip, preferably at the point of purchase.

Contact the Insurance Company ASAP 

Don’t make any assumptions when it comes to your medical coverage or the claims process. If you have an accident or become ill while you are away, contact the insurance company as soon as possible, preferably immediately. The insurance company can offer valuable travel and medical assistance services that are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They can also help you find Western-style medical facilities, medical and dental practices and pharmacies in addition to an array of other helpful services which can be a real stress reliever especially if you are in a country that you are not familiar with and where the primary language is different to your own.

Save All Documents 

When it comes time to filling out your claim form, you will be asked to provide backup documentation to substantiate the claim. Don’t worry if the documents are in a foreign language. Most international insurance companies can process claims in many different languages. Be sure to save all doctor reports, itemized bills, invoices and receipts so that when it comes time to claim, you will have all of your ducks in a row. Having the proper documents can be the difference of your claim being paid, or being denied. Keep in mind that all claims regarding illness or injury must be supported by a doctor.

Denied Claim 

You filled out and submitted your claim form with supporting documentation in a timely fashion and you just got the bad news that your claim has been denied. Understandably you are probably upset but instead of venting about it, file an appeal. You will be asked to write a letter as to why you think your claim should be covered and potentially may have to provide additional documentation to support your claim. The appeal process can take up to 90 days so remain patient. A good insurance broker will be able to assist you with this.

Not sure which plan is right for you? Speak with the insurance specialists at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0)1624 678668 or visit us at to help identify the right travel insurance plan for your particular situation. Have a wonderful vacation!

How to File a Travel Insurance Claim

adviceAs insurance brokers we are here to help! Part of that assistance is our expert advice that we provide. So we thought it would be a great idea to ask our employees, “What is one piece of advice you would give your clients?” 

Mark Bononi- Director, Luxury Yacht Division 

Generally speaking, you get what you pay for. Typically, health insurance that has a lower cost will not have the same amount of coverage as one that costs more. If you are looking for health insurance that fits you best but you have a budget, seek advice from someone who knows what they’re talking about, and is experienced on the matter.

Edward “Mole” Telfer- Director, Cruise Division 

Providing a solid employee benefits package can be the key to attracting and retaining the industry’s best employees. Use a “Rolling Benefits Strategy” to build up your benefits over time.

Janine Jeffries- Director, Business Insurance Division

Give your agent a complete picture of the business and description of operations. Each business has unique attributes. The more your broker knows, or has a better understanding, the better we can do our job. Also, be sure to ask questions. You would be surprised how many needs are uncovered during a Q&A session with your broker.

Stephen Beck- Manager, Life & Health Division

I would advise our clients to not WORRY about “What if?” but to ASK about the cost of insuring themselves against each “What if?” that concerns them. Just ask, “How can I protect myself in the event of a ________________?” We have the answer.

Joanna Drysdale- Manager, Underwriting Services 

In our field, insurance isn’t just about protecting yourself against financial loss or covering your contractual obligations. It’s also about showing your employees that they’re valuable to you. Hanging on to a great bunch of crew season after season is worth so much more than the savings you make by skimping on crew benefits.

JW Haagensen- Account Executive, Inside Sales 

Disclose all current and past medical conditions when applying for insurance. Insurance enrollment forms are a contract and if you fail to reveal a portion of your medical history or provide incomplete information, the insurance company could cancel your policy. No matter how minor it may seem, it’s important to advise your entire medical history and keep a file.

Steve Jackson- Consultant, Yacht Division

Find an insurance broker who really knows their field. Having an understanding of the real life of a captain and his crew as well as the technical knowledge of the insurance industry is invaluable.

Clayton Swart- Manager, Business Development 

Whether you’re purchasing group insurance for your employees, insurance for your business or an individual plan for you and your family, it’s important to understand your policy. I know that insurance documents can be boring, but it’s really important that you read through them to make sure you understand the benefits and limitations of the plan. If you find anything confusing, it’s better to address those points before you need to use the plan.

MHG is here to help and provide assistance with all of your insurance needs. Whether you are looking for marine crew insurance, health insurance, life insurance, travel insurance, expatriate insurance or insurance for your business, we have the experience and knowledge to help you find the right policy. Please contact us at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at Let our insurance specialists find you, your family, or group, the best insurance available for your budget.

If You Could Give One Piece of Advice to Your Clients, What Would It Be?

honeymoonEveryone knows the only reason people get married is to go on an extravagant vacation, better known as a honeymoon. Just kidding! However, if you are about to tie the knot, I am sure you are looking forward to your trip whether you’re going to be relaxing on the beach in Fiji, exploring the natural beauty of Costa Rica,  cruising the Mediterranean, or visiting some other top newlywed destination. Honeymoons are the one time when you are supposed to splurge and go all out when planning a vacation. From top of the line food, massages, and activities, couples don’t hesitate to celebrate their future life together by enjoying some of the most lavish trips this world has to offer, creating an even greater need for insurance coverage. Although it should be a priority to obtain coverage for any trip that you take abroad, protecting your investment in your honeymoon is a must!  Here are 5 reasons you may need a trip cancellation plan in order to protect the investment made on your honeymoon! Oh, and remember to book the honeymoon suite!

Injury or Illness 

Your spouse told you it wasn’t a good idea to have oysters at the wedding and now you find yourself going toe to toe with food poisoning. If you get ill, or injured, I would highly doubt that you would be looking forward to your honeymoon. You may want to reschedule, or get your money back and book something else.

Jury Duty 

Is it me, or does jury duty seem to always have the worst timing? Sometimes there is nothing you can do about it, and no way to get out of it. By purchasing a trip cancellation plan, your investment in your honeymoon will be protected should you be called for jury duty.

Work Related 

Many stress the importance of a good work/life balance; however, sometimes work can get in the way of your leisure time, especially if you hold a key position in the company. If a last minute meeting comes up, or there is an emergency situation that requires you to come in to work as you are supposed to be leaving on your trip, a good trip cancellation plan could be your best friend.

Labor Strike 

Labor strikes can happen at any time. Airlines could be having disputes, and sometimes their workers will look to take the power in their own hands. If this happens, and it affects your flight or trip, a good trip cancellation plan can reimburse you the amount of your trip, or the policy maximum, whichever is lower.

Losing Your Job 

Losing your job is an unfortunate reality that many of us may have to face at one point or another in our lives.  Usually this is unexpected, and losing your job leading up to your wedding and honeymoon is a sure way to put a damper on things. Not to mention, you may not be able to afford your trip anymore. In this case, you may want to have that money that you already invested back, especially in a time as tough as this one. 

Congratulations on saying “I do!” MHG wishes you safe travels along your journey during your trip. If you are interested in purchasing a trip cancellation plan, or travel insurance, or have any questions or concerns, please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0)1624 678668 or visit us at Our insurance brokers have the experience to assist you in selecting the right plan for you, with the best value. Enjoy your honeymoon!

Planning Your Honeymoon? 5 Reasons to Consider a Trip Cancellation Plan

Buying Travel Insurance

We all consider insurance to be necessary when it comes to our health, automobiles, and homes. Though it is difficult for the average person to understand the verbiage that is contained in most policies, that does not hinder people from purchasing life insurance and other types of coverage once they reach a certain age and wish to start a family, or start planning for retirement. One type of insurance that often gets overlooked, however, is travel insurance.  Many people are not sure if they need it, or are aware of what exactly it can do for them. Travel insurance is a valuable tool that is designed to protect those traveling domestically or abroad, for business or recreation. There are several options to choose from depending on the types of coverage you require, but most travel insurance policies provide coverage for the following occurrences:

  • Medial emergency or evacuation: This should be the primary reason to buy travel insurance. Although your current health plan may cover you in certain instances while you travel, emergency medical transportation is often not covered, and the cost of this service can rise upward toward $100,000. Travel insurance comes in handy here, as it can prevent you from maxing out the benefits allotted through your health plan. There are primary as well as secondary plans available, which work in tandem with your current health plan.
  • Trip cancellation: When you plan a trip months in advance, there is no way to predict what circumstances may arise between now and your departure date. Trip cancellation insurance will protect you in the unfortunate event of a death in the family, an illness, or an accident. You are also covered for situations that occur which are outside of your control, such as severe weather causing the delay or cancellation of your flight.
  • Baggage or Personal Items Loss/Theft: This covers you if the airline loses your luggage, or if you stored your laptop in your hotel room one afternoon, only to come back to find it missing. You can also insure camera equipment, and other valuables.

  • Personal Liability:  If you are involved in a car accident while driving in a different country, or accidentally cause damage to something and are now finding yourself being asked to remedy the situation, this coverage will be of great value to you.
How can you determine if you need travel insurance? Here are some things to think about:

  • Take Inventory: Assess the policies that you currently have in place to check to see if you are covered for health emergencies, medical care and treatment when you travel. Check the credit cards you use as well. Some automatically cover things like baggage loss or flight cancellations.

  • Don’t Skimp on Protection: Most people skip travel insurance because they just see it as an added expense being tacked on to their trip. With most travel insurance policies costing somewhere between 3% and 8% of what the trip costs, this is a drop in the bucket compared to out-of-pocket costs if an incident does occur and you aren’t covered.

  • You Snooze, You Lose: If you are considering buying travel insurance, it is best to purchase it within 24 hours of booking a trip, or as soon as possible afterward in order to get the best rate.

  • Travel More, Save More! If you travel frequently, you can consider multi trip insurance policies, or annual policies, which may be less expensive as compared to obtaining coverage right before each trip.
MHG Insurance Brokers draws from their extensive experience and knowledge in the insurance industry to give clients the greatest value and most comprehensive coverage available. MHG insurance specialists will clearly outline the coverage provided to you in your travel insurance policy, as well as tell you about any limitations or exclusions so you are fully aware of how protected you are before your trip.  Visit MHG Insurance Brokers online at , or call and speak to an MHG insurance specialist today at 954-828-1819. Don’t leave home unprotected.

Must Knows Before Buying Travel Insurance

Expat Insurance Quote Options

Expat Insurance Quote Options Moving to another country can be the exciting adventure of a lifetime. Whether you will be pursuing your studies during a semester abroad or relocating more permanently to further your career, it is imperative that you have a health insurance policy that provides coverage in the country where you will be residing. In certain cases, you may qualify for the national health plan of your host country, but the majority of travelers will need to obtain expatriate health insurance coverage.

If this is your first time purchasing an international health insurance policy, the process can be a little confusing so we have provided these expat insurance quote options to help you on your way.

  1. Research the health insurance requirements of your destination country A number of countries will not let you relocate unless you have health insurance coverage in place, and some require specific coverage, such as medical evacuation coverage or repatriation of your remains if you should die. Research the requirements for your destination country well in advance of your move date so you have time to investigate various plans, obtain the necessary coverage, and submit any required documentation. Good places to start your research include your employer and your home country’s governmental department regulating international travel (U.S. citizens should consult the U.S. State Department).

  2. Consider your needs If your work or recreation plans include travel to other countries, your international health insurance plan will need to include coverage for those destinations as well. In most cases, the simplest option is to choose worldwide coverage, so you do not have to reapply each time you cross a border. You may want a plan that includes coverage in your home country as well; many expats prefer to return to their home country for serious operations and to give birth. If you intend to participate in sports or hazardous activities, you may need to purchase a rider on your policy to ensure any injuries are covered.

  3. Buy before you leave Medical underwriting for international policies is not instantaneous; it can take anywhere from several days to several weeks for approval. Make sure you begin the application process early, or you could arrive at your destination only to discover that your application for expatriate health insurance coverage has been declined.

  4. Read your policy carefully Reading the schedule of benefits, usually found on the first three to five pages of an expat policy, will give you a valuable overview of your coverage, deductibles, benefit limits, and any co-pays or co-insurance. It is just as important to read the limitations and exclusions, however; riders and additional coverage can be purchased for some excluded injuries, conditions, or activities, as long as you make provisions ahead of time.

Trying to find expatriate health insurance coverage on your own can be a daunting task. At MHG, many of us are expats ourselves, and we are well-acquainted with the needs of individuals living and working around the globe. Our Insurance Specialists have the experience, knowledge and access to multiple international insurance carriers to find you the most suitable plan based on your budget and future plans, whether you are looking for International Health Insurance, Expatriate Disability Income Insurance , or Life Insurance. At MHG Insurance, our commitment to your well-being does not end once you have purchased a plan; through our "Concierge Broker Service”, we will continue to assist you with questions about your policy and provide assistance throughout the claims process. 

Before you relocate to another country, call MHG Insurance at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at for help finding the expatriate insurance coverage you need!

Expat Insurance Quote Options

Cruise Line Travel Insurance Coverage for Visiting Family and Friends

Working as an officer or crew member onboard a cruise ship has afforded you the opportunity to travel, meet people from around the world and experience other cultures. Now your family and friends are coming to visit so they can share those amazing experiences with you, leaving you with the question, “Where can I find cruise line travel insurance coverage for visiting family and friends ?” Turn to MHG Insurance, the same company you rely on for your marine crew insurance needs! MHG is a full-service insurance brokerage, with travel insurance plans that will ensure your guests are fully covered in case an accident or illness occurs.

With Travel Insurance, your guests have coverage wherever they roam.

Most U.S. health insurance coverage does not extend to countries outside the United States; plans that do include international coverage usually have limited or no networks, which can leave policyholders without coverage when they need it most. If your guests suffer an accident, injury or illness while exploring on shore, you will need to find skilled, professional medical care in a hurry. MHG offers travel insurance plans that are specifically designed to work in the geographic areas you will be visiting, and they can provide referrals to local qualified doctors and hospitals, and if needed, can provide translation assistance during treatment.

Travel insurance provides a range of coverage.

There are several travel insurance policies available through MHG; while they have differing benefit limits and deductible amounts, they all provide coverage for emergency medical expenses, including the cost of emergency medical evacuation to transport policyholders to the nearest medical facility qualified to treat their medical condition. Emergency message relay to family, friends and co-workers will help to maintain contact during an emergency, and if emergency medical evacuation is necessary, travel insurance may even cover the transportation, lodging, and meal costs of a relative so no one is left without family support in an unfamiliar country. After the chosen deductible is met, travel insurance helps cover the cost of inpatient and outpatient medical expenses, ambulance services, and can help pay for physical therapy, emergency dental services, and other important benefits.

Count on MHG Insurance to provide easy, affordable travel insurance options.

MHG’s travel insurance plans are surprisingly affordable and easy to attain! Your guests can apply online right now and instantly receive a travel insurance quote and coverage - the whole process takes just a few minutes, and coverage can start as early as tomorrow! MHG has several different travel insurance policies available; your guests have their choice of geographic area of coverage, policy deductible/excess and, in some cases, choice of coverage limit. If you plan to include some of the more adventurous activities on your trip, such as scuba diving, wakeboarding, or paragliding, your guests can easily add extreme sports insurance to complete their coverage. Call the Insurance Specialists at MHG Insurance to ensure your family and friends have complete coverage for their cruise line vacation with international medical insurance, extreme sports insurance, trip cancellation insurance, and more.

Call MHG Insurance at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at to ensure your family and friends have travel insurance coverage that protects them wherever they roam!

Cruise Line Travel Insurance Coverage for Visiting Family and Friends

5 Reasons You Need Cruise Trip Cancellation Insurance You have been looking forward to your cruise for months, waiting with eager anticipation to set off on your dream vacation. Cruises can be expensive, but the opportunity to enjoy the all-inclusive comfort of a cruise ship while visiting multiple exotic destinations is well worth the price. Cruises have extremely strict cancellation policies, however - if an unforeseen complication arises and you have to cancel your trip, you could lose all the money you invested in the cruise. Trip cancellation insurance can protect you in this situation, allowing you to recover your non-refundable, unused payments and deposits so you can reschedule your cruise and enjoy your dream vacation at another time. While you may be unable to imagine anything that would make you cancel your long-awaited trip, there are actually many reasons why a cancellation may be necessary. 

Medical Issues

Illnesses and injuries can happen at any time, leaving you unable to set off on your cruise. Trip cancellation insurance reimburses your cruise expenditures if you, a family member, business partner, travel companion, or travel companion’s family member becomes ill or suffers an injury or death. Some trip cancellation insurance coverage even reimburses you if you have to cancel your cruise due to the sudden flare-up of a pre-existing condition, provided you purchased the insurance within 15 calendar days of the  initial covered trip payment, and you were able to attend the cruise on the day you purchased the policy.

Job-Related Issues 

Even though you planned your cruise and arranged for leave from work, sometimes circumstances related to your job can cause you to delay or cancel your trip. Some work crises may require your presence; if you are a key employee at work and an emergency occurs, cruise cancellation insurance has you covered. Active and reserve duty members of the military, police, or fire department that have their personal leave cancelled so they can provide relief or aid related to a natural disaster or terrorist act, will have their cancelled cruise expenses returned.

Unable to Leave

Sometimes unforeseen events can make it impossible for you to leave on your cruise. Covered events include an auto accident on the way to the scheduled departure point; unexpected jury duty; and the documented theft of your passport or visa. You are also covered if your or your travel companion’s home is made uninhabitable, due to fire, vandalism, or natural disaster.

Financial Circumstances

If you are suddenly terminated or laid off from your long-term job, you may need the money set aside for your cruise to cover your living expenses. Provided you were at the same job for a certain amount of time, (typically one to three years, depending on the terms of your particular policy) you can be reimbursed for your paid cruise expenses. Cruise trip cancellations due to the financial default of a travel supplier are also covered.

Natural and Other Disasters

Events that are completely beyond your control can interfere with your ability to safely depart on your cruise. Natural disasters resulting in the cessation of the travel supplier’s services, terrorist incidents, organized labor strikes, and medical quarantines are all covered reasons for cancelling your cruise. In addition to these five reasons you need cruise trip cancellation insurance , emergency medical expenses, repatriation services, and baggage delay can also cause expenses that are covered when you have trip cancellation insurance from MHG.

Call the trip specialists at MHG Insurance Brokers to ensure you have complete coverage for your vacation with trip cancellation insurance, international medical insurance , extreme sports insurance , and more.

When you are ready to book your dream vacation, call MHG Insurance Brokers at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at to obtain trip cancellation and travel insurance, along with other insurance plans that will make your trip an exciting, hassle-free adventure!

5 Reasons You Need Cruise Trip Cancellation Insurance

Will My Health Insurance Plan Cover Me Internationally

Accidents and injuries can occur at any time, leaving you in need of skilled medical care. If a medical emergency transpires when you are at home, your health insurance may provide the full range of needed benefits, but most insurance policies have different rules that apply to international travel. Since having the proper insurance coverage can make the difference between an easily managed situation and a medical and financial nightmare, before you head off on an overseas vacation or business trip, you first must find out, “Will my health insurance plan cover me internationally?”

Many US health insurance plans do not include international coverage. 

While there are exceptions to this rule, it is likely that your US Health Insurance plan’s coverage does not extend to countries outside the US. The plans that do include international coverage tend to have limited networks, which causes them to work much less effectively. You will also probably have to pay all associated costs upfront before you can receive treatment, draining your financial resources when you are far from home. Before leaving on your trip, contact your insurance company to see if your plan does offer international coverage.

Medicare does not provide coverage outside the US. 

If you are an American senior whose only source of coverage is Medicare, you effectively have no health insurance benefits outside the U.S. Travel insurance plans are available to the senior market; however, they have a cap of $10,000 in coverage. 

Travel insurance is affordable. 

The insurance experts at MHG Insurance can provide you with plan options from several different insurance companies containing the medical benefits that you need for traveling abroad. International medical insurance plans are available that offer coverage for as little as five days to as long as three years, with deductibles that range from $0 to $25,000 to fit every budget. With a travel insurance plan from one of our designated carriers, you and your family will gain the peace of mind that comes from knowing you are protected in case of emergency. 

The application process for travel insurance is quick and easy. 

Enrollment in the travel insurance plans MHG Insurance offers is surprisingly fast and easy. You can apply right online, and same day coverage is available. 

Travel insurance offers an important benefit for European travelers

If you are a European traveling with your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), you may be eligible for free or reduced medical care for an accident or illness within the 28 EU countries plus Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, but you are still lacking an essential benefit. In the case of a serious illness or injury, the costs of getting you home can be very substantial and these are not covered by the normal social system cover / EHIC. MHG Insurance can match you with medical evacuation insurance that covers the cost of your medical repatriation, so you can be returned to your home country without having to incur a sizable expense. 

Before heading out on your vacation, make certain you and your loved ones are covered in the case of unexpected illness or injury. MHG Insurance can advise you on the best selection of travel health insurance , trip cancellation insurance , and other plans to ensure your coverage matches your itinerary, coverage, and deductible needs. 

Call MHG Insurance at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at to enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing you and your loved ones are fully protected no matter where you roam!

Will My Health Insurance Plan Cover Me Internationally?