How Much Money Could Trip Cancellation Insurance Save You? - How Much Money Could Trip Cancellation Insurance Save You?

Imagine you've been planning a safari trip to the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania for months. You've invested both time and money in making this dream a reality. You've booked flights, accommodations, safari tours, and even purchased new gear and clothing for the adventure. Your excitement knows no bounds as you count down the days until departure.

As your departure date approaches, life takes an unexpected turn. Your elderly mom has a fall and is in the hospital with a broken hip, forcing you to cancel your dream vacation. The total financial impact of canceling your safari trip could quickly run into thousands of dollars, depending on the scale and complexity of your journey. Without trip cancellation insurance, this could translate into a significant financial loss.

The Role of Trip Cancellation Insurance

This is where trip cancellation insurance becomes a valuable safeguard. For a relatively modest premium, you can protect yourself from the financial risks of canceling your trip. In all, there are 36 cancellation reasons. Let's explore how trip cancellation insurance can save you money in various scenarios.

If a sudden illness, such as Covid, or injury occurs, and a doctor advises you against traveling, trip cancellation insurance can provide coverage. It typically reimburses portions of non-refundable expenses, such as flights, accommodations, and tour bookings. In case of a family emergency, such as the hospitalization of a close family member, insurance can step in. It can cover the expenses you'd otherwise lose due to last-minute trip cancellations.

If your employer unexpectedly requires you to remain at work due to an urgent project or business matter, trip cancellation insurance can be a financial lifesaver. It can reimburse your pre-paid expenses, ensuring your career doesn't suffer alongside your travel plans.

Imagine a hurricane warning is issued at home just prior to your trip, or your destination is affected by a natural disaster just days before your departure. Without insurance, you'd likely lose all the money you've invested. Trip cancellation insurance typically covers cancellations due to such unforeseeable events. Airlines will not always help you with issues of this kind as they are covered by their “force majeure” clause.

Lastly, if your travel destination experiences political unrest or becomes the site of a terrorist attack, trip cancellation insurance can often cover your losses. This is especially relevant for travelers venturing into potentially volatile regions.

Speak to your insurance professional for a complete list of covered reasons.

The Bottom Line: Potential Savings

If you're considering purchasing trip cancellation insurance, you might be wondering how much money it can actually save you in a real-life scenario. Let’s use the safari trip to Tanzania as an example so that we can estimate the potential savings you could have with trip cancellation insurance.

First, let's consider flights. A round-trip ticket to Tanzania might cost around $1,000. If you have to cancel, the airline's cancellation fee could be an additional $200. Next, let's look at accommodations. A week's stay at a safari lodge could cost anywhere from $1,000 to $3,000 or more.

Safari tours are another expense to consider. Depending on the length and complexity of your safari, you might have prepaid $1,000 or more. Specialized gear and clothing for a safari might add up to $500 or more.

Finally, if you've booked extra activities or excursions, like a walking tour or a guided tour through the local marketplace totaling $500, insurance can cover this loss as well.

In total, your dream safari trip could cost between $3,700 and $6,700. Trip cancellation insurance, which typically costs around 5-10% of your total trip expenses, could be a lifesaver in the event of a cancellation.

Embarking on a safari in Africa is a dream for many, but life is full of uncertainties. Trip cancellation insurance is a smart and cost-effective way to protect your investment and ensure that unforeseen circumstances don't crush your dreams of adventure. By investing a relatively small amount in insurance, you can safeguard your travel plans, ensuring that even if the unexpected occurs, your dream trip doesn't turn into a financial nightmare. So, before you embark on your next adventure, consider the value of trip cancellation insurance—it might just be your best travel companion.

To learn more about a world-class travel insurance plan, talk to an insurance specialist today by visiting

Imagine you've been planning a safari trip to the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania for months. You've invested both time and money in making this dream a reality. As your departure date approaches, life takes an unexpected turn. Without trip cancellation insurance, this could translate into a significant financial loss. Let's explore how trip cancellation insurance can save you money in various scenarios.

Luggage at an airportWhat is trip cancellation and interruption insurance?

Trip cancellation and interruption insurance, also known as just trip cancellation insurance, is an insurance policy that protects your investment if your trip is cancelled or interrupted. It is geared toward extravagant and luxury vacations. While trip cancellation includes medical coverage, it differs from travel insurance, which provides international medical insurance coverage for when you are traveling abroad, outside of your home country.

What is the difference between trip cancellation and yacht charter cancellation?

Trip cancellation and interruption insurance, and yacht charter cancellation insurance are the same thing. It just happens to be that yacht charter cancellation insurance is designed to offer coverage for yacht charterers, so the policy will behave the same way as a trip cancellation policy.

What is covered by trip cancellation and interruption insurance?

A good trip cancellation insurance plan should protect you from many issues that may come up causing you to cancel your plans or if your trip is interrupted. Examples of items typically covered by a good trip cancellation insurance policy include:

· Sickness, injury or death of insured, a family member, a travel companion, a business partner, or a child caregiver

· Primary residence or destination being rendered uninhabitable

· Documented theft of passports/visas

· Involved in a merger, job loss or job relocation

· Documented traffic accident

· Inclement weather that causes cessation of services provided by your common carrier

· Mechanical breakdown of the common carrier

· Evacuations due to natural disasters

· Emergency military duty for national disaster

· A terrorist incident

· NOAA hurricane warning at destination

· Court order to appear as a witness

· Jury duty

· Quarantine

· Hijack

Why you need trip cancellation insurance

The cost of vacations is going up, as people continue to plan trips and get out of their routines after being on “lockdown” for the past couple years. In a recent Forbes article, Adobe Analytics was quoted that, “Prices have risen a staggering 47% since January,” in terms of airfare alone. Not only are prices going up due to a number of reasons, but people are also willingly spending more on vacations since they haven’t been able to go anywhere. Which means, potentially more money to lose if something gets in the way of your plans!

Plan for what’s not on the itinerary. Life is unpredictable and plans often change. One of the basic issues that insurance protects us against is the fact that life is unpredictable. So, while you may not be able to prevent a situation from happening, you can prevent an issue from becoming a worst-case scenario. For more information on the different types of coverage that trip cancellation insurance offers, contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at

Trip cancellation and interruption insurance, also known as just trip cancellation insurance, is an insurance policy that protects your investment if your trip is cancelled or interrupted. Read more!

Diverse team in coworking space voting some colleagues agree raises hands. Positive black leader woman with creative group of businesspeople discussing sharing ideas together in office at meeting This past year has been unique to say the least, some have prospered while it may have been a challenge for others. Overall, it seems like there is now a light at the end of this tunnel. The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact in every industry in every corner of the world. While the effects of this pandemic are obvious, there are some potential impacts that you may have not considered and should be brought to your attention sooner rather than later. After all, with so many job openings, you want to do everything you can to stand out from the competition.

According to Forbes, The percent of small firms reporting open job positions reached a 47 year high at 48% in May’s NFIB Small Business Economic Trends survey. Over 60% of business owners report a shortage of labor, over 20% characterizing the shortage as “critical” to business operations. Over 80% reported a loss of sales due to the labor shortage, 19% experienced serious losses. These statistics show how important it is for you to prioritize your culture, as that is one of the first things employees consider.

What is important to my employees?

We recently conducted our own survey, where we asked, “What is most important to employees?”, and our findings raised some eyebrows, with the majority of employees saying that work/life balance was the most important aspect of a position. Other selections included compensation, opportunity for advancement, and benefits. One would have to imagine that the results would have been very different before the pandemic, as employees have gotten accustomed to working from home, enjoying more time with loved ones, and having the necessary flexibility for a healthy work/life balance.

What can I do to assess my company’s culture?

First off, one of the best things a company can do is to have open lines of communication with it’s workforce. Schedule regular meetings and one on ones between employees and decision makers to get the necessary feedback to make any changes if needed. Also, it is crucial that you LISTEN to each employee, as everyone has different experiences and different interactions. You may find that lose who are lower in the chain of command have the most to say, and that is how it should be, as they often have the most contact with clients.

It’s time to go to work

While industries are pleading to get people back to work, it’s time for you to get to work on obtaining the company culture that you wish to implement. There are steps to take if you want to improve, and steps to take if you want to sustain.

Selecting the right health insurance plan for you or your employees can be a difficult task, but the experienced insurance brokers at MHG are glad to help you sort through the terminology and key features to determine the best health insurance plan for your situation. Our Insurance Specialists will help you assemble a complete insurance offering that includes health insurance, gap insurance coverage, life insurance, disability, and more. Call us today at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at for help in selecting the ideal health insurance plan for you and/or your employees.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact in every industry in every corner of the world. While the effects of this pandemic are obvious, there are some potential impacts that you may have not considered and should be brought to your attention sooner rather than later.

Group of people having meeting and disscusing at the office In today’s world, employers and employees alike are looking to find an edge over the competition. Receiving benefits from your employer is something that all employees appreciate.

Why Offer Employee Benefits?

Statistics show that offering employee benefits is a key to inspiring a healthy and loyal workforce, as well as attracting and retaining the top talent. According to LinkedIn’s Global Talent Trends 2020 report, the number one reason Millennials leave their positions is because of compensation and benefits! Followed by advancement opportunities and more challenge. Many people still think of Millennials as a young group with little experience, however, that generation is now becoming established in a professional setting, as their ages range from early 40’s to late 20’s. Which means it is time to follow the trend!

Reduce Turnover

One of the major benefits of offering benefits is reducing turnover. While attracting top talent is important, retaining it is just as important. There are both tangibles and intangibles associated with hiring and keeping your staff, let us consider the knowledge, skills and abilities top talent take when they leave, consider the gap that is left until another candidate is up to speed which can be a long process. Additionally, the long-term strain of added responsibilities on the remaining staff can negatively affect morale leading to additional turnover. According to Willis Towers Watson , 78% of employees said they are more likely to stay with their employer because of their benefit program, so it would seem like a no-brainer right?

Save Money

It is time to talk about money, while it may initially reduce your bottom line, adding benefits could actually save you money, especially in the long run. According to TLNT Talent Management and HR, the cost of replacing an employee can range from 50% to 400% of their annual salary. Many decision makers do not think of the costs associated with a new hire, from training, classes, tools and equipment, etc. Those are just the tangible costs, but there are several intangible costs as well, team fit, growing pains, and knowledge of products or industry.


One thing all businesses should be working toward is sustainability, which is the sweet spot between profit, people, and the planet, “the 3Ps”. Aligning your strategic objectives with your mission and values will contribute to your sustainability. Building and maintaining a good company culture has an array of positive outcomes the 3Ps, happy employees stay longer, they do better work and have a positive impact on your customers and the community. How do you build and maintain a good culture? Well employers who take a genuine interest in their employees well-being will create the best working environment. Providing the right benefits plays a dynamic role in one’s well-being.

Selecting the right health insurance plan for you or your employees can be a difficult task, but the experienced insurance brokers at MHG are glad to help you sort through the terminology and key features to determine the best health insurance plan for your situation. Our Insurance Specialists will help you assemble a complete insurance offering that includes health insurance, gap insurance coverage, life insurance, disability, and more. Call us today at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at for help in selecting the ideal health insurance plan for you and/or your employees.

In today’s world, employers and employees alike are looking to find an edge over the competition. Receiving benefits from your employer is something that all employees appreciate.

What is a PPO?

Happy male medical doctor portrait in hospital. Portrait of a male doctor with laptop sitting at desk in medical office. Portrait of a happy young doctor at medical office desk. Are you trying to decide what type of insurance plan would best benefit your employee group? Let us help explain some options!

Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) is a type of health insurance plan that operates with a network of participating providers such as primary care physicians (PCP), doctors, and hospitals. Typically, costs are less when associated with providers that are within said network, however you can still use providers outside of the network for an additional cost.

As opposed to a PPO, a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) is a type of health insurance plan that operates with a network of participating providers, much like a PPO, however there is no coverage offered if you use a provider that is outside of the network.

What is the difference between a PPO and an HMO?

The main difference between a PPO and an HMO is that a PPO offers you more freedom to see the providers you want to, whether they are in your network or not. While a PPO still operates with a network of providers, there is still coverage offered if you choose not to go within network.

What are the benefits of a PPO?

· Flexibility to see a primary care physician you like whether in network or not

· Freedom to see doctors and specialists without the need of a referral, including those out-of-network

Who does a PPO work best for?

While PPOs are considered to be a more luxury option, don’t let that label fool you, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation’s 2019 Health Benefits Survey , PPOs continue to be the most common plan type, enrolling 44% of covered workers in 2019. Even though they are the most common, those who benefit most from these plans would be people with chronic health issues, those that require to see a specialist often, or those who are elderly. Typically, the older you get, the more time you spend at the doctor, which is why a PPO is so appealing to people who frequent doctors, because they get a say in who they get to see. Maybe you are more comfortable with someone, or already have years’ worth of trust and experience with a specialist, sometimes these attributes can be seen as priceless.

Selecting the right health insurance plan for you or your employees can be a difficult task, but the experienced insurance brokers at MHG are glad to help you sort through the terminology and key features to determine the best health insurance plan for your situation. Our Insurance Specialists will help you assemble a complete insurance offering that includes health insurance, gap insurance coverage, life insurance, disability, and more. Call us today at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at for help in selecting the ideal health insurance plan for you and/or your employees.

Are you trying to decide what type of insurance plan would best benefit your employee group? Let us help explain some options!

Portrait of a group of confident businesspeople standing together in an office The working world is ever changing, especially given the events of the past year. While businesses are performing self-analyses to see where they can save money such as working from home, less travel, etc., one area that should be reinvested in is employee benefits!

How much do benefits cost per employee?

There is no one answer to that questions and are based on many factors, however according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , the average cost of employee benefits for employers in December of 2020 was $12.07 per hour. As you know, there are companies that have extensive packages, and some that offer the bare minimum, so the real questions should be, “How much am I willing to spend on benefits for my employees?”

What benefits are critical?

The short answer, all of them! However, we understand that businesses and companies have a budget, and in order to give a proper recommendation, we would have to understand what your overall goals are, and what you are trying to accomplish. Are you trying to limit employee turnover? Are you trying to attract high level candidates? How much of an investment is it to fully train a new hire? These are just a few questions you can ask yourself in order to get a better understanding of where you currently stand, and how you can potentially improve. After all, the best prospect is an existing client, the same can be said about your employees!

That being said, while health insurance is a given, the other most critical benefit to include in your benefits package is disability insurance. Protecting your employee’s well-being in the event that something happens to keep them from being able to perform their job is increasingly being viewed as a necessity.

What benefits are a bonus?

Something that is pretty cost effective for the benefit it provides to your employees is Group Life Insurance. While most businesses that offer benefits to employees have a well-rounded approach, life insurance is an option that protects more than just your employees, but their loved ones as well. Offering life insurance can definitely be a way to set your business apart from the competition.

How Can I Obtain a Benefits Package for My Employees?

Give us a call! Selecting the right health insurance plan for you or your employees can be a difficult task, but the experienced insurance brokers at MHG are glad to help you sort through the terminology and key features to determine the best health insurance plan for your situation. Our Insurance Specialists will help you assemble a complete insurance offering that includes health insurance, gap insurance coverage, life insurance, disability, and more. Call us today at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at for help in selecting the ideal health insurance plan for you and/or your employees.

While businesses are performing self-analyses to see where they can save money such as working from home, less travel, etc., one area that should be reinvested in is employee benefits!

Happy multiethnic family having fun while using laptop together, video chat concept Receiving benefits from your employer is something that all employees appreciate. The question is who is eligible to receive benefits, and when is it required for an employer to offer them.

Who Can Qualify for My Employee Benefits?

There is a short answer and a long answer. The short answer is “eligible employees”. However, there are many different scenarios where more people may qualify.

Eligible Employees

“Eligible employees” which is sometimes defined by the health plan and the group’s employee handbook. Generally speaking, it is full-time employees working at least 30 hours per week. Businesses have no obligation to offer health insurance to part-time employees. However, not every company is required to offer benefits to their full-time employees, but if there are more than 50 full-time workers on the books, then that company is required to offer healthcare benefits, covering 50% of the employee premium of the lowest cost health plan. Some businesses elect to cover even more of the premiums as an additional form of compensation.


Per certain rules and laws, eligible dependents are defined as a “qualifying child” or “qualifying spouse or domestic partner”, but premium responsibility is based on the defined employer contribution. To claim a child as a dependent, they must meet the qualifying criteria, which means they must be a certain age, which is based on the selected policy and the home state of the group. An employer is not required to cover the premium of any dependents, and it is typically deducted from the employee’s paycheck. However, some businesses also elect to cover a portion or all of the premium as another additional form of compensation.

Spouse or Partner

In some places, the only way to get health insurance for your partner is if they are your spouse. Depending on the company and the health insurance, you may be able to add someone to your plan if they are your domestic partner. If that scenario applies to you, it’s important to clarify the requirements ahead of time, and ask questions!

Selecting the right health insurance plan for you or your employees can be a difficult task, but the experienced insurance brokers at MHG are glad to help you sort through the terminology and key features to determine the best health insurance plan for your situation. Our Insurance Specialists will help you assemble a complete insurance offering that includes health insurance, gap insurance coverage, life insurance, disability, and more. Call us today at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at for help in selecting the ideal health insurance plan for you and/or your employees.

There is a short answer and a long answer. The short answer is “eligible employees”. However, there are many different scenarios where more people may qualify.

Different ethnicity and age businesspeople gathered together at boardroom for negotiations and planning future collaboration lead by african smiling businesswoman or corporate training process concept What are the four major types of employee benefits?


The main benefit that you can and should be offering your employees is medical insurance. There are several laws and regulations around group size and mandatory contribution rates, however no matter the rules, we have consistently seen that offering medical insurance to your employees promotes loyalty, increases happiness, and is one of the top motivators for a workforce.


Unfortunately, medical insurance offers little to no coverage for any dental procedures for adults. Also, a lack of proper oral care can lead to several overall health issues, which is why dental insurance is increasingly important. As you may know, even with regular trips to the dentist, and proper dental hygiene practices at home, one can still find themselves needing to have some work done.


Vision insurance is another important benefit for the overall wellbeing of your employees. After all, chances are that some of your workforce is looking at a computer for much of the day, which has been shown to damage our eyes. Having vision insurance allows for preventive measures to be taken such as annual eyes exams.


Disability and Life Insurance coverage acts more as financial protection for your employees rather than an active benefit. Disability insurance offers coverage for an individual in case they are ill or injured and can no longer work. Depending on the plan, they will receive up to 66% of their wages for a number of years or until retirement.

Life Insurance offers coverage for an individual’s loved ones in the event an employee loses their life. There are great options for group life insurance where the benefit amount can be reflected based on someone’s salary or a set amount.


GAP Insurance isn’t included with the four major benefits; however we believe it should have an honorable mention. While GAP Insurance does not offer a particular benefit, it may be one of the most advantageous benefits you can offer your employees. GAP insurance is paired with medical. The purpose of GAP Insurance is to supplement a portion or up to the out-of-pocket costs of the medical plan, reducing the overall amount of medical expenses for your employees.

Selecting the right health insurance plan for you or your employees can be a difficult task, but the experienced insurance brokers at MHG are glad to help you sort through the terminology and key features to determine the best health insurance plan for your situation. Our Insurance Specialists will help you assemble a complete insurance offering that includes health insurance, gap insurance coverage, life insurance, disability, and more. Call us today at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at for help in selecting the ideal health insurance plan for you and/or your employees.

What are the four major types of employee benefits?

Close up on shoe, Runner athlete feet running on road under sunlight in the morning.A new year is here, and now more than ever people are looking to either maintain the healthy habits they have adopted or look to try and start a new lifestyle to try and shed a few pounds or just feel better. Whether it is a new diet, new workout, or new way of living, this time of year is synonymous with people trying their best to lead active and healthy lifestyles. Yet there is one simple thing people can do that does not require expensive investments, trips to special facilities, or new gear… walking!

Why is walking important?

Walking is one of the best ways to get and stay healthy. Obviously going for a stroll is not as rigorous as going for a run or doing some of the latest fad workouts, but over time it can have the same benefits without the wear and tear on your body. According to the Better Health Channel , Just 30 minutes [of walking] every day can increase cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones, reduce excess body fat, and boost muscle power and endurance. Walking is also known to reduce your risk of conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes.

Should I track steps or miles?

Before you decide on how many steps or miles you should walk per day, first you need to decide what your goals are.

· Are you looking to lose weight or maintain weight?

· Where are you starting from, how is your current physical health?

· Are you looking to accomplish a milestone down the road?

After answering a few of these questions you should have a better idea of where you should start, and where you should set your sights.

Once you have that part figured out, it really is up to you whether you would prefer to track steps or miles. Experts say one mile is about 2,000 steps. So, will you be tracking your steps throughout the day? Or will you be allotting “walking” time to try and walk a particular distance?

Is it better to set a daily goal or a weekly goal?

It depends! Are you a person that has an extremely busy schedule? Or are you a person that has a lot of free time? At the end of the day, a goal is a goal, and there is more than one benefit to achieving them! Try not to over-extend yourself or set yourself for failure. It is important to be flexible, after all is there really a difference between walking 2 miles per day or 14 miles per week?

Selecting the right health insurance plan for you or your employees can be a difficult task, but the experienced insurance brokers at MHG are glad to help you sort through the terminology and key features to determine the best health insurance plan for your situation. Our Insurance Specialists will help you assemble a complete insurance offering that includes health insurance, gap insurance coverage, life insurance, disability, and more. Call us today at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at for help in selecting the ideal health insurance plan for you and/or your employees.

There is one simple thing people can do that does not require expensive investments, trips to special facilities, or new gear… walking!

what is gap insurance Gap Insurance, also known as Supplemental Limited Benefit Medical Expense Insurance, is a benefit that helps to cover the exposure your employees have until they reach the maximum benefit based on that plan design. Most employers either choose a plan that will pay providers until the employees reach their medical deductible or maximum out of pocket.

What specific benefits does gap insurance provide?

The specific coverage that most gap insurance plans provide is separated into two categories (riders such as labs, in-office treatment, etc. can be added). The categories are:

  • Inpatient Services- including hospital stays, inpatient surgeries, and physician’s in-hospital charges.
  • Outpatient Services- including diagnostic exams, and other outpatient treatment of injury and sickness, provided the service is performed in a hospital, outpatient surgical or emergency facility, a diagnostic testing treatment facility, or similar facility licensed to provide outpatient treatment.

How does gap insurance work?

Gap insurance may be used to coordinate benefits with your employees’ primary insurance for inpatient, outpatient, and physician services. Benefits may be paid to the medical provider or directly to your insured employee, depending on the plan you choose. Premiums for gap insurance plans vary, according to the specific benefits you choose, but they are generally low enough that the combination of primary insurance and gap insurance will be less expensive compared to primary insurance with a lower deductible.

For employees who have relatively low deductible and copay amounts, gap insurance may not be needed, however these low deductible medical policies are not affordable for everyone, particularly small businesses. When out of pocket maximums are higher than employees can comfortably manage, gap insurance is a necessary protection that can keep them from financial disaster. Most workers who have a high deductible, high copay plan can have an out of pocket maximum over $5000. This can cause an insurmountable and unexpected financial hardship for many people and their families unless they have gap insurance to cushion the blow.

Offering an additional benefit to your workers can be seen as an investment in the performance of your company. According to, a website designed to help business owners and decision makers grow their businesses, the following are the top reasons to offer benefits to incentivize employees:

1. Increases Appeal

2. Minimizes Turnover Rate

3. Better Morale

4. Healthier Employees

5. Better Job Performance

When it comes to a group medical insurance plan, there are a lot of factors that decide the amount of coverage you may or may not want to provide to your employees, better yet, what you may or may not be able to afford. Rates seem to increase year after year, and in order to offer your workforce an attractive benefit package, you may have to get creative. That’s where gap insurance comes in, and we are here to help! Our insurance specialists are up to date with industry regulations and trends to help you and your business, and they are only a phone call away! Contact us today at 954 828 1819 or visit us online at

Gap Insurance is a benefit that helps to cover the exposure your employees have until they reach the maximum benefit based on that plan design.