Navigating Mental Health at Sea: A Guide for Seafarers - Navigating Mental Health at Sea: A Guide for Seafarers

Whether you work in yachting or onboard cruise ships, life at sea can be thrilling. You get to travel, meet new people from around the world, and save money, among other perks, but it also comes with its unique challenges. There are long days and nights, you're away from family and friends, demanding guests, and little free time, which can take a toll on you mentally. Here are some proactive tips you can start including in your day-to-day life and resources if you find yourself needing mental health and wellbeing support.

Find Your Inner Zen

One of the best practices for improving your mental health is taking time to meditate. Finding a quiet moment amid the chaos of daily life can seem impossible, but even short meditation sessions can work wonders in managing stress. Consider taking a few minutes each day to focus on your breathing and clearing your mind. You might be pleasantly surprised by the peace it brings. Apps such as Calm and Headspace are a great way to get started.

Find Your Circle of Trust

At some point, we will all face adversity at work and in our personal life. Rely on your support system. When you have a circle of friends that you can trust to listen to your worries, concerns, and upsets, you will feel uplifted. Take time to reach out to friends who don't work directly with you but understand your situation. That way, you are not causing more anxiety among crewmembers but still relieving your own stress by talking through issues.

Sharing your concerns with others can have a profound impact on mental health. When individuals open up about their worries, fears, or struggles, it not only reduces the burden of carrying these thoughts alone but also fosters a sense of connection and support. Verbalizing difficulties can help in processing emotions, gaining new perspectives, and receiving advice or reassurance from others who might have faced similar challenges. This act of sharing can be incredibly therapeutic, as it often leads to a decrease in feelings of isolation and stress.

Prioritize Exercise

Depending on your role onboard, you may already be quite physically active. If you're not, try to carve out time for exercise. Physical activity isn't just about getting in shape; it also has immense mental health benefits. When you exercise regularly, your body releases endorphins, those feel-good hormones that can lift your spirits. Whether a walk onshore, a swim, or an onboard workout, prioritize physical activity to boost your mood and energy levels.

Your Sleep Routine

This is tough when you're working onboard, but getting a good night's sleep is another crucial pillar of mental health that often gets overlooked. Quality sleep is vital for your body's recovery and mental rejuvenation. Consider it an essential part of your self-care routine. From rings and activity trackers to apps, many tools and wearable devices can help you fall asleep and track your sleeping habits.

Embrace Free Time Ashore

When you're able to make it ashore, take some time for yourself. Whether it's visiting your favorite shop, grabbing a coffee, or catching up with friends and family back home, do something you enjoy. Skip alcohol and other activities that aren't great for your overall health and wellbeing, and focus on activities that will leave you feeling mentally refreshed and rejuvenated.

It's OK to Ask For Help

Some causes of mental distress aren't fixable by meditation, exercise, or a good night's sleep. Whether you're experiencing trouble at work, such as bullying, sexual harassment, or violence, or you're just having problems coping in your personal life, it's ok to reach out for help.

While there's more work to be done, there's a lot more awareness about the mental health struggles that seafarers face and the resources that one can turn to. If you have Health insurance, check your policy to see if it includes mental health counseling and services. Depending on the plan that you're on, you may be able to access mental health services without paying a deductible, co-pay, or co-insurance or involving your HOD or management. Check your policy for details.

If you ever feel like your work environment, worries, anxieties, or stress are impacting your day-to-day life, reach out for help before it becomes a bigger issue. As maritime professionals, your mental health matters, and seeking support is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Here is a list of services that are designed specifically for seafarers:

  • SeafarerHelp: 24/7 free and confidential support for seafarers.
  • Yacht Crew Help: 24/7 free and confidential support for yacht crew.
  • Seas the Mind: Offers mental health first aid training for yacht crew.
  • Safer Waves: Support for seafarers who have experienced sexual harassment, violence, and gender discrimination.
  • Professional Yachting Association: This association represents professional yacht crew.
  • Nautilus International: International trade union representing seafarers providing advice and legal support.

Talk To MHG

At MHG, our goal has always been to make the marine industry a better place to work and live. We understand the unique challenges you face and the Health insurance coverage you need to help keep you fit and healthy. Contact us today to learn more about our Health insurance plans for yacht and cruise ship crew and how we can tailor coverage to suit your needs.

Seafarers, prioritize your mental health and wellbeing! Discover practical tips and explore resources designed specifically for you.

Want to Join a Cruise Ship as a Guest Lecturer? Here's Everything You Need to Know. - Want to Join a Cruise Ship as a Guest Lecturer? Here's Everything You Need to Know.

Do you imagine combining your passion for education with the adventure of traveling and seeing the world? If the idea of sharing your expertise while sailing the high seas sounds appealing, then becoming a guest lecturer on a cruise ship might be the perfect career move for you. We've got your guide to exploring the exciting world of cruise ship lecturing, covering everything from the diverse opportunities, essential skills, application process, and the health insurance obligations.

Exploring the Vast Opportunities

Guest lecturers on cruise ships have the chance to explore a variety of opportunities, catering to diverse interests and expertise. One such opportunity is to offer academic lectures and share your knowledge in your field of expertise, whether history, science, literature, or any other subject. Cruise ship passengers often appreciate intellectually stimulating content and are eager to learn from experts.

Another way to engage passengers is to offer lectures on special interest topics such as photography, culinary arts, or wellness. These can provide a unique and enriching experience for guests with specific interests. It's a great way to cater to niche markets and ensure passengers have a memorable and enjoyable onboard experience.

Beyond traditional lectures, cruise lines may offer interactive workshops or class opportunities. This format allows guests to participate and learn hands-on skills actively. Workshops and classes could include anything from arts and crafts classes to cooking demonstrations, dance lessons, or fitness classes. It's a great way to provide guests with a diverse range of activities and ensure that they are engaged throughout the duration of the cruise.

Finally, guest lecturers can embrace the chance to immerse passengers in the local culture of each port of call. By sharing insights into the history, traditions, and customs of the destinations visited during the cruise, guest lecturers can provide passengers with a more meaningful and authentic experience. This can include guided tours, cultural demonstrations, or even language lessons.

If this sounds like you, read on to learn about the skills you will need to be a successful guest lecturer and the following steps to take to get you onboard!

Essential Skills

Successfully delivering educational content on a cruise ship requires a unique set of skills. Beyond your academic qualifications, consider the following:

  • Dynamic Presentation Skills: Cruise ship audiences consist of individuals from various backgrounds and age groups. It is crucial to present your material in an engaging, accessible, and entertaining manner.

  • Adaptability: Cruise ship schedules can change due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances. Flexibility and the ability to adapt to unexpected changes are essential traits for a guest speaker.

  • Interpersonal Skills: Building a connection with your audience is vital. A friendly and approachable demeanor will enhance the overall experience for passengers.

  • Tech Savvy: Familiarize yourself with the audiovisual equipment available on cruise ships. Being comfortable with technology ensures smooth presentations and minimizes technical hiccups.

Setting Sail on Your Guest Lecturer Journey

Before embarking on your journey as a guest lecturer, it's crucial to understand the application process. Cruise lines typically partner with agencies specializing in educational and entertainment programs. These agencies act as intermediaries, connecting skilled professionals with cruise ship opportunities.

Start the process by researching reputable enrichment agencies that work with the cruise lines you want to work with. These agencies can provide information on how to apply for guest speaker positions and connect you with the relevant cruise lines.

Once you've identified an agency to work with, it's essential to prepare a compelling resume or portfolio highlighting your educational background, expertise, and any relevant experience in public speaking or teaching. Ensure you emphasize your ability to engage and captivate an audience, which is crucial for success as a guest lecturer on a cruise ship.

In addition to a strong resume or portfolio, you'll also need to develop a riveting presentation proposal. Cruise lines are interested in unique and engaging topics that will captivate their diverse audience. While zoology or history seem to be obvious topics, you might be surprised by some other topics, including photography,

cooking, astronomy, and art. Tailor your presentation proposal to appeal to cruise ship passengers seeking education and entertainment.

Navigating the Insurance Waters

Before you can set sail, it's crucial to understand the cruise line’s health insurance requirements in your contract. Some cruise lines may provide coverage for you to buy while others may require you to purchase coverage from an approved provider. While coverage requirements vary across the cruise industry, many of the cruise lines require their guest lecturers to have at least $1M in coverage and coverage for emergency medical evacuation, repatriation, and Covid-19. Review your specific agreement for details.

At MHG Insurance, we specialize in health insurance plans for the marine industry. We would be happy to help you understand your health insurance requirements and find you the right plan for your specific situation. Plans typically include coverage for accidents and illnesses occurring on and off the ship, do not include work exclusions, and can be purchased online in just a few steps. If you have questions, or would like to get a health insurance quote, get in touch with us:

Get ready to embark on an exhilarating voyage as a guest lecturer on a luxurious cruise ship! Learn about how to apply, create captivating presentations, and the logistics ensure a seamless experience. Find your guide to a rewarding and exciting career here!

Insurance broker reviewing policy documents with a happy customer In case you have not heard, this year marks MHG’s 30th anniversary! As a result of that, it is natural to do some reflection and part of that is focusing on what has made and continues to make MHG so special.

What sets MHG apart from other brokers?

MHG is one of the leading companies to push for crew benefits across both the yachting and cruise industries. 30 years ago, the marine industry started to boom, and MHG has been there from the beginning championing the wellbeing and livelihoods of crew members around the globe. So really and truly, MHG is more than an insurance broker, we are a wellness company!

With our growth in the industry and MHG becoming more and more diverse, MHG also began to offer other areas over coverage such as liability and casualty, travel, and life.

What are common mistakes other brokers make?

A good insurance broker is an asset, not a hurdle. Brokers get a bad reputation, no matter what industry they are in. Part of that is the notion that they are in it for themselves. When it comes to MHG, that could not be further than truth, we pride ourselves on working for you, not the insurance company. If more brokers operated that way, the way they are supposed to, they would be viewed much differently.

What is the best piece of advice you could give to a potential client?

Take your time and do your research. Find a broker who is knowledgeable about the specific type(s) of insurance you need. Follow the broker’s advice, which should not always be to buy the cheapest or most expensive policy. In fact, cost alone should never be the deciding factor when choosing any insurance policy.

Having proper insurance is important. MHG is your specialized broker when it comes to marine specific insurance. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to find the policy that works best for you. If you are interested in purchasing, or have any questions about yacht crew insurance or travel insurance, please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at

In case you have not heard, this year marks MHG’s 30th anniversary! As a result of that, it is natural to do some reflection and part of that is focusing on what has made and continues to make MHG so special.

The Light Head. Silhouette of young woman on sky background with sun in her head.To say that the past couple of months have been stressful would be an understatement. With what is currently going on in the world, stress, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues have been affecting seemingly everyone to an extent. Fear of the unknown and what tomorrow may hold, loss of jobs and income, closing of schools, and being forced to stay indoors are all factors in what is likely affecting most people. Unfortunately, we are no experts on the trajectory of this pandemic, so we can’t say when or if things will be getting back to normal, but when it comes to your mental health, don’t wait for when or if, do it now!

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, and with so many factors that may be affecting it out of your control, it is incredibly important to take control of your situation and make the best of it. There are several things you can be doing every day to help you stay strong mentally and keep from experiencing common issues such as anxiety and depression. Now, these tips should not be used instead of prescribed medication, and it is important to mention that if you are finding that nothing is helping you with your issues, to seek medical advice about how you can help yourself.


Hands of young beautiful woman practicing yoga at homeI know what you are thinking, not everyone can sit in a quiet room for an extended time with the kids home from school and having to help them with their online studies, but it is important for you to be able to be alone with your thoughts. According to Everyday Health, “research suggests even brief meditation sessions can make a difference in managing stress” Try to take some time for yourself, relax, focus on your breathing, and clear your mind, you will be amazed at how good feel after the fact.



Shot of a fit young woman doing yoga at homeWhile most people think of the physical benefits that exercising can have on your body, not many think of the mental benefits too! When you exercise, your body naturally releases hormones that make you feel good. In addition to the natural feeling, exercising will make you feel better about yourself, whether accomplishing a goal, looking better in the mirror, or just feeling better overall, having daily physical activity is crucial to your overall mental health. Exercise can directly impact depression and anxiety, as stated in this article from the Help Guide, a good place to visit for tips and help with mental wellness.



Cropped shot of an attractive young woman wearing a sleep mask while lying in bedSleep is something that most people don’t get enough of. How many hours do you sleep every night? Did you know that during sleep is when your body recovers and heals itself? Maybe if you thought of it that way, you would make sure you got a full night! In fact, this recent Harvard study talks about how sleep deprivation and sleep disruption can negatively impact your mental health.



Go Outside

outdoorsMany of us are stuck at home and forced to stay indoors, but if you are able to go outside, take advantage! Vitamin D is great for your overall health! Take a walk around your neighborhood or relax in the backyard. Catch some rays and let nature help brighten you up. Research even shows the positive impact of outdoor activity on your overall mental health. Read more about it here!



Stay Busy

Young student watching lesson online and studying from home. Young woman taking notes while looking at computer screen following professor doing math on video call. Latin girl student studying from home and watching teacher explaining math formula on video chat.If you are staying home through all of this, and find yourself bored, find something to do to keep yourself busy! Whether reading books, working on home projects, doing some spring cleaning, or taking this time to work on you, it is important to stay busy, and keep your focus on something.


Mental Health and Wellness is important for everyone, especially if you are a seafarer who may not have access to the help and assistance programs that those who aren’t at sea do. If you are a seafarer and need some help, check out SeafarerHelp, a free, confidential, multilingual helpline for seafarers and their families, available 24 hours per day, 365 days per year!

With the spread of COVID-19 causing global concern, rest assured that all of us at MHG are here and ready to answer your insurance questions and concerns relating to the virus. For specific information on how COVID-19 affects your insurance coverage, please call us or visit your insurance carrier’s website.

Unfortunately, we are no experts on the trajectory of this pandemic, so we can’t say when or if things will be getting back to normal, but when it comes to your mental health, don’t wait for when or if, do it now!

Cropped shot of an unrecognizable young man stretching at homeWith so many of us stuck in our homes, or indoors in general, it can be hard to find the motivation, or even the tools to get a good workout in. For those of us looking to maintain our figure, or even drop some pounds while we are quarantining, it is important to try to stay active. Better yet, it is important for everyone to stay active, as exercising can help with stress, depression, anxiety, and other mental challenges associated with what is currently going on.

Calisthenics are a great way to get into or stay in shape. In fact, many people use calisthenics as their normal exercise routine. By using different exercises to target each muscle group, you can have a full body workout without leaving your home or your yard, in a short amount of time.

1. Upward and Downward Facing Dog- This is a common yoga exercise and is a great way to get your body warmed up before a workout or cooled down following one. Lay flat on the ground face down. Take a deep breath, push your hands against the ground to push your chest up while keeping your legs flat on the ground. Hold the pose for several breathes. On the last exhale, lift your bottom up to form a 90-degree angle with your body while keeping your feet and hands flat on the ground and your head between your arms. Stay in that pose for several breathes. On the last exhale, bend your knees to the floor so that your knees are under your hips and your hands are under your shoulders.

2. Planks- Planks are one of the best exercises you can do to work out your core. Lay face down on the floor. Prop yourself up with your forearms and keep your elbows directly below your shoulder. Remember to keep your body straight. For beginners, try using a straight arm with your hands directly underneath your shoulders.

3. Wall Sits- This is a great way to focus on your lower body as well as your core. Find a wall, then squat down into a sitting position with your back against the wall and your legs in 90-degree angles.

4. Mountain Climbers- Ready to get your heart rate pumping? Mountain climbers are a unique exercise that can get your heart rate up and work out your entire body without needing machinery or a large space to move around. Start in a push-up position and alternate bringing your knees to your chest.

5. Push-ups- This classic exercise focuses on your upper body strength and your core. To work out different muscles doing this exercise, try doing them on an incline and decline as well.

6. Sit-ups/ Crunches- This is another classic exercise that targets your abdominals. To increase difficulty try doing them with your legs up at a 90-degree angle. Or you could try air bike crunches where you alternate touching opposite elbows to knees.

7. Squats and Lunges- This exercise really targets your thighs and your gluteal muscles. Remember to keep your feet shoulder width apart and keep your heels flat on the ground when squatting.

For lunges, step forward with one leg lowering your hips until both legs are bend at 90-degree angles. Make sure your front knee is directly above your ankle and your back knee doesn’t touch the floor. Rotate legs.

8. Leg Lifts- As you may have already noticed, many of these workouts focus on your core, and leg lifts are one of the best ones you can do. Lay flat on your back and lift your feet 6 inches off the ground. For a change you could also try switching your feet from opened to closed every 10 seconds.

9. Burpees- Burpees are a great exercise that workout the whole body and even gets your heart rate up! Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, then bend your knees and lower your body into a squat. Place your hands on the floor and shift your weight onto them, then jump your feet back and get yourself into a plank or pushup positions. Then jump your feet back to land just behind your hands and rise up to jump explosively in the air. Repeat!

10. Tables- Sit down with your hands and feet on the floor. With your arms behind you, prop yourself up by lifting your hips as high as you can, and squeezing your glutes and shoulder blades as hard as you can.

There are several different ways to approach these exercises, you could try doing each one until exhaustion, breaking them up into different repetitions and sets, or a mixture of both. There are a ton of other non-weight exercises you can do; however, everyone is different, and some may find other exercises more successful than others. Try looking up other exercises and make a workout guide that fits you and your needs best.

With the spread of COVID-19 causing global concern, rest assured that all of us at MHG are here and ready to answer your insurance questions and concerns relating to the virus. For specific information on how COVID-19 affects your insurance coverage, please call us or visit your insurance carrier’s website.

By using different exercises to target each muscle group, you can have a full body workout without leaving your home or your yard, in a short amount of time.

Working mother with baby daughter communicating on mobile phone while reading an e-mail on the computer.As you may have heard, we are currently experiencing a global pandemic from COVID-19, also known as coronavirus. Across the world, countries and cities are being locked down to help prevent the spread of this virus, forcing many to be laid off or have to work from home, if their job allows. If you are one of the fortunate ones who are able to work from home and are staying home in these unprecedented times, you are doing your community a great service by doing your part to help stop the spread.

Many may think that working from home is easy, however, there are several challenges and issues that can arise, especially when working from home for an extended period, which looks to be the case for many. The following are some tips to better help develop a routine to make the most of your time, and to help limit distractions when working from home.

Get Ready in the Morning

Yes, one of the many benefits people may think of when working from home is that you get to stay in your pajamas all day. While everyone loves to have a lazy day, it is recommended to develop a routine. Try getting ready in the morning as if you were heading into the office. Take a hot shower, brew a cup of joe, or catch up on the latest news. Whatever your routine was before, try to mimic it the best you can.

Dedicate a Space

In addition to developing a solid and healthy routine, it’s important to create a dedicated space for your work. Set up your computer or lap tap, office phone, and whatever other supplies you need in order to creative an effective “home office”. Also, pick some place that will limit distractions, perhaps set up at the dining room table rather than in the living room? Whatever space works best for you, and will help you feel like you are clocking in.

Take Breaks

A lot of people don’t realize how many breaks they take at work, and while many supervisors may not want to hear it, frequent breaks are proven to be imperative for efficient work. Getting up from your desk and going to chat with a colleague or gathering around the water jug is something that you won’t have to opportunity to do. Make a note to take a break every so often. Pick a few times throughout the day to get up and walk around the house. If you have a dog, I’m sure they won’t let you forget to go on a walk.

Keep the Kids Busy

As the majority of schools are closing, you may be working from home with a few added responsibilities. Kids, especially younger ones, require a ton of attention, and it can be hard to get anything done if you are constantly having to keep them occupied and entertained. Try to come up with some activities that will keep them busy and inspire them to entertain themselves. Whether it’s putting on a movie, reading a book, or playing some board games, try to come up with some ideas to help keep them engaged.


Last but certainly not least, being stuck inside all day can cause some mental challenges. Ever hear of cabin fever? Depending on where you are and what rules are being instituted in your country or city, go outside for a walk or run and get some physical activity. If you can’t leave your home, come up with an exercise routine for you to do every day. Exercise and physical activity is a great way to help battle the depression or other issues that may arise from being isolated and quarantined, and not to mention, it will only help you and your health!

With the spread of COVID-19 causing global concern, rest assured that all of us at MHG are here and ready to answer your insurance questions and concerns relating to the virus. For specific information on how COVID-19 affects your insurance coverage, please call us or visit your insurance carrier’s website.

Many may think that working from home is easy, however, there are several challenges and issues that can arise, especially when working from home for an extended period, which looks to be the case for many.

MHG 25 Logo Final In case you haven’t heard, MHG is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year! Can you remember when you turned 25? You probably felt like time had flown by, and yet you were still ready to take on the world, which is exactly how we feel! A lot goes into a business achieving and maintaining success, so this year we are toasting to 25 years of excellence. Reaching this milestone is no small feat, so join us for a stroll down memory lane as we remember how MHG first began, where we are today, and the next 25 years. After all, you can’t know where you are going until you recall where you have been.

Company History

MHG was launched in 1991 in Miami, Florida when founders Andrew Dudzinski and John Haagensen saw that due to industry growth and ensuing competitive pressures, cruise lines needed new ways to attract and retain their officers and crew. Andrew, with particular expertise in expatriate insurance programs and John, a former seafarer and practicing insurance agent, saw the solution in creating and providing customized marine employee benefit plans. Andrew and John combined their extensive experience and contacts to convince the industry that marine crew are better motivated, remain more loyal, and work more safely when a benefit plan is provided as part of an employment package. While hesitant at first, the cruise lines listened and soon benefit plans were implemented by many lines and in due course by other marine industry sectors, such as luxury yachts and commercial shipping. As a result, a growing number of marine crew and their families are now able to enjoy the benefits of health, disability and life insurance plans and at the same time, marine industry employers have gained new and valuable attraction and retention incentives.

MHG Insurance Brokers is now recognized in the marine industry as a unique resource for developing innovative crew insurance programs for the world’s leading cruise lines, prestigious luxury yachts and other shipping and marine businesses around the globe. Headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, MHG has offices and representation in the Isle of Man, London, Hamburg, Monaco and Houston to better serve clients and support the continued development, acquisition and servicing of marine clients on both sides of the Atlantic.

Throughout the years, MHG has seen fit to expand its portfolio of products outside the marine industry but has always remained focused on its core business in providing crew insurance advice and solutions for vessel owners, operators, management companies, captains and crew worldwide. Today, MHG counts as its clients a total of 18 cruise lines, representing some 40% of the most prominent lines and more than 450 luxury yachts, including 20% of the world’s 200 largest yachts.

The Next 25 Years

While MHG has successfully introduced and encouraged the industry to adopt customized benefits for people working at sea, our work is not done. MHG will continue to be at the forefront of developing and implementing a full range of innovative benefit and welfare incentives and risk management solutions, all designed specifically for the marine industry and making the industry a better place to work and live.

Let’s raise a glass to the next 25!

Here at MHG Insurance Brokers, we offer a variety of different insurance solutions for many areas of business. From yacht crew insurance, to general liability and marine general liability coverage, individual and group health insurance, even life insurance, we offer a number of products to cover you, your family, or business. To see some advice directly from our team of insurance professionals, read our previous blog, “ If You Could Give One Piece of Advice to Your Clients, What Would It Be? ” If you are interested in purchasing marine crew insurance , contact us at or call us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to guide you to the best coverage for your budget, and can also assist you with any insurance questions you may have.

In case you haven’t heard, MHG is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year! Can you remember when you turned 25 years old?

london The Isle of Man Maritime Group is hosting an evening reception during London International Shipping Week 2015 at historic Trinity House. LISW is one of the highlights of the maritime calendar with more than 100 industry events taking place in London from September 7-11. It is aimed at the movers and shakers from the international shipping and superyacht community. 

As official sponsors of LISW 2015, the Isle of Man Maritime Group’s “Nautical by Nature” event on September 8 will lead guests on a journey through the Island’s rich seafaring heritage to its current position of maritime centre of excellence.  Manx actors and musicians will bring to life the legacy of the Vikings; introduce the ringleaders of the Mutiny on the Bounty; remember the courage of Captain John Quilliam who was First Lieutenant on HMS Victory and set the scene for the inspiration of Sir William Hilary, who founded the RNLI

The music and drama will be showcased in the historic surroundings of Trinity House, the remarkable 18th Century headquarters of the Corporation of Trinity House, which has maintained British lighthouses since the 16th Century. Guests will be met by Isle of Man’s own sea cadets and guided up the grand, sweeping staircase to a reception on the first floor. All the rooms will be open to guests including the Pepys Room, the library and the reading room. 

Isle of Man Maritime Group Chairman, Bruce McGregor said: “LISW is the ideal opportunity for us to promote the wealth of maritime services and experience delivered on the Isle of Man. This event will celebrate our rich seafaring tradition and how we have evolved into a modern, technically astute global centre of excellence.” 

Guests at the reception will be able to meet representatives from the Isle of Man Maritime Group including the IOM Ship Registry; IOM Shipping Association; IOM Superyacht Forum KPMG; Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (Isle of Man); Döhle (IOM) Group of Companies; PDMS Maritime; Simcocks Advocates; MHG Insurance Brokers; Affinity Management Services and InterManager. To register for the event please visit the group’s website at or contact the group at If you would like speak to someone from the group in more detail please contact Bruce McGregor on +44 (0) 1624 664000.


LISW will be the ‘must attend’ event of 2015, offering over 100 industry functions and unique networking opportunities for leaders across all sectors of the international shipping industry – regulators, charterers, ship owners, ship managers, bunker suppliers, lawyers, ship brokers, bankers, insurers, insurance brokers, commodity traders and brokers, ship suppliers, port operators, shipping service providers and many more. The UK is the leading centre worldwide for the supply of a broad range of professional and business services to the international maritime community, accounting for 21per cent of premiums in international marine insurance, over $64bn in committed ship finance (or 15per cent of the world loan book) and it has the largest concentration of legal service firms specialising in the sector.  London is also the predominant supplier of shipbroking services worldwide and is the major player when it comes to maritime dispute resolution. London is also home to the second biggest port in the UK. For more information, please visit

The Isle of Man is "Nautical by Nature"

New Year's ResolutionAs the clock starts to count down, the New Year is almost here. The countdown can also signify the end of the holiday season. With that comes many people wanting to start the New Year on the right track. Maybe set goals and standards to help assure that this New Year will be better than the previous. Many make New Year’s Resolutions, and most fail to keep them. Whether it’s to lose weight, quit smoking, save money, many people have forgotten their resolutions by the time February comes. So instead of worrying about what to put on your New Year’s Resolution list, worry about how to make that list a long-term reality.     


Pick One Thing 

When making a New Year’s Resolution, try not to “fluff” it up with little things that you would like to change in your life, instead, pick one thing. Pick something that is important, maybe something that needs to change that is affecting your health or relationships. It is easier to focus on one item at a time rather than having several different things or habits you are trying to change. Also, you will be able to put all your time and energy into it, which will increase your chances of being successful. If you are doing well after a couple months, then add something else to the list. With this strategy, you can have a whole new you by the end of the year! 

Plan Ahead 

After you have selected your resolution, start planning ahead. Make a schedule, and start thinking of how you are going to make this change, and different things you can do to be successful. For example, if your resolution is to lose weight, start planning your workout routine and meals, etc. With a well thought schedule and strategy, it is easier to stick to it rather than waiting to see what comes up. Also, do your research! Read up on it, see what different techniques and tips there are, and see what would work best for you. 

Expect Problems 

Problems will always arise, they are just a part of life. So if something comes up that ruins your routine, try and start back fresh the next day. However, to make sure that there are as few issues as possible, think of all the problems that can come up ahead of time, and how you will deal with them.

Accept Failure

Many times, New Year’s Resolutions are created to break existing habits. They say it takes about three weeks to break a habit or create a new one. So expect to fail or have a setback. If you sneak a cigarette one day, it isn’t the end of the world, it is only part of the process. So, don’t give up! Learn from the failure, figure out what triggers caused the setback, and try to avoid them in the future. 

Reward Yourself

Resolution ListThe best incentive for hard work is reward. We go to work every day to be rewarded with a pay check. We try to get healthy and lose weight to be rewarded for looking and feeling better. However, sometimes hard work can leave you with no rewards to see. Which is why it is important to reward yourself, especially through those tough first weeks. Start with little rewards in the beginning, and as you achieve your goals, make the rewards fewer and farther between. Then at the end of the year, give yourself an anniversary reward such as a nice vacation or gift. Something that you will look forward to and will keep you motivated!

MHG Insurance Brokers would like to wish you, your family, and loved ones a very Happy and Healthy New Year. In order to ensure that the upcoming year is a healthy one, make sure you have the proper insurance coverage today by calling +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit for more information. Our insurance specialists have the experience to advise and assist you in selecting the best plan for you, your family, and your business.

5 Tips on How to Make a Successful New Year’s Resolution


Do you remember what life was like 10 years ago? How about 5? It’s hard to think of a world without Social Media and Smartphones, and even harder to remember that these things didn’t even exist a decade ago. Five years ago, having a smartphone was a luxury, not the norm. People were still using Myspace, Facebook , Twitter , and LinkedIn were fairly new or unknown to most, and Instagram and Google+ didn’t even exist yet. Today we live in a world where information is everywhere, and all we have to do is reach into our pocket to unlock it all. Social networking has impacted us in many ways. For one, it has made this gigantic world seem a bit smaller, with all the ways that people can keep in touch, share pictures, and make those close to us feel like they aren’t missing the big moments in our life, just because they are living elsewhere. From a business perspective, it is an essential medium for communicating with clients, and can also be utilized for customer service, lead generation, and relationship building. 

1. Relationships 

People like and communicate with others who are similar to themselves. For instance, parents connect with other parents, college students connect with other college students, doctors connect with other doctors, etc. Social media has changed things by flipping the marketing funnel upside down. Instead of trying to reach the masses in order to gain a few customers or followers, you try to connect to a few, who will then reach the masses for you. Which is why it is important to post material your followers or customers will feel connected to. By building a relationship with a customer he or she may feel like you understand their needs, and may feel inclined to share your material to their friends who are similar to themselves. Which is very important because that can expose your business to others who may have never heard of you and who may feel connected to you as well. For example, every few days Cigna will post an article with healthy lifestyle tips, or State Farm will have a safe driving contest, or best of all, MHG Insurance Brokers will post a Motivational Monday picture. These simple actions engage with customers and give them an incentive to follow you, interact with you, share with others, but most importantly that you care about and value them. 

2. Customer Service 

Social Media has also impacted the way customers are able to contact you. Rather than picking up the phone to dial their broker, they can now use social media to communicate with them in a quicker and more efficient way. Plus, social media gives customers an avenue to give you feedback or vent to you about a problem they are experiencing in your business. This makes it easier and more convenient for the customer, rather than having to call your customer service hotline and be kept on hold for an extended period of time. However, this new way of customers contacting you to give feedback and complain can give you a reason to be on your P’s and Q’s. Before social media, whenever someone had a complaint, they would call your customer service hotline and deal with the issue directly. They say that a person tells 10 people about a complaint, which could hurt your business if the information spread. Now the complaint is posted in a public forum for the world to see, which means it is critical that the issue is handled quickly and the customer is taken care of, or possibly millions can have a reason not to do business with you. 

3. Advertising and Marketing 

Social Media has billions of users, millions of whom use it on a daily basis. Sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn have given insurers the power to advertise to individuals across the world, for FREE. So many companies spend millions of dollars a year on advertising for commercials, magazine ads, radio ads, etc. These ways of advertising also have limits to the amount of people that can see them. For example, they may not have a commercial in Europe that they do in the United States. Or if I don’t have a subscription to the magazine that you put an ad in, I won’t see it. Social Media does not have the limitations and constrictions that other forms of advertising and marketing does. However, there is a catch. In order to market to someone, they either have to be following your page, or already searching for you. Which, as stated before, is why it is important to build connections with people who will then share your content to their friends and followers. It is crazy to think how a post made in Miami, Florida can be seen in Sydney, Australia in a matter of seconds. 

Social Media has made the world a smaller place. Information is more accessible than it has ever been before. The world is in your pocket. Mobile phones are no longer just a communication device, they are a business device. Are you looking for relevant insurance information that isn’t boring? Whether you are looking for a competitive Marine Crew insurance plan, the latest updates on the Affordable Care Act , business insurance news or travel insurance tips, check us out on social media! Follow MHG Insurance on most Social Media platforms to see informative posts, fun content, and get to know us!

3 Ways Social Media Has Changed Insurance