Buying Insurance 101

Young couple shaking hands with a female agentBuying insurance, no matter what type, can be an intimidating and daunting task. For one, there is a ton of tricky lingo, a plethora of different coverages amounts and types, and of course the cost. Unless you are someone who works in the insurance industry, chances are insurance lingo can sometimes sound like a different language, and confusing protocol leaving you wondering what to do next.

However, it doesn’t have to be this way! Follow these 5 easy steps when making any insurance purchasing decision to help ease your mind and make the process as smooth and simple as possible.

What am I trying to protect?

When buying insurance, the first thing you need to ask yourself is “What am I trying to protect?” Are you trying to protect your business? Your health? Your kids? Your assets?

Once you have the answer to that question it will narrow down what you should be looking for. For insurance, If you wanted to protect your business, you would want to consider a General Liability policy, or Marine General Liability depending on the business. Protecting your kids? Look into life insurance.

What is my budget?

Once you know what type of insurance product you are in the market for, next you need to figure out your budget. After all, you don’t want to lapse your policy because you can’t afford it down the line if things become tight down the road, so be smart. Depending on your situation and what you are trying to insure, sit down and figure out what you can realistically afford, and what level of priority is the type of insurance you need.

Who do I know?

One thing that can make the decision easier is to figure out if you know anyone that currently has what are looking to get. If you do, ask them about it. What are the pros and cons? Is there anything they would do differently? Is there anything you need to look out for?

What don’t I know?

As with anything you buy, you should always do your own research. Figure out what products are out there, what pitfalls there are, and anything else that will help you get the best out of what you are buying.

Seek out a reputable broker!

Insurance Brokers often get a bad reputation but using a broker can help you avoid situations like this. For one, the majority of brokers are well-versed with the ins and outs of the insurance industry and can help you avoid a negative trend that you may otherwise know nothing about. Not to mention, brokers work for you! Brokers typically operate at no extra cost to you as it would be if you went straight to the insurance company to get your plan. If you would like to learn more details of using an insurance broker, read our previous blog, “Why You Should Use an Insurance Broker”.

Having proper insurance is important whether you are looking to protect your business, your loved ones, or yourself! Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to find the type of insurance you are in search of, and policy that works best for you and your budget. If you are interested in purchasing, or have any questions about marine crew insurance, life & health insurance, travel insurance, expatriate insurance, property & casualty insurance, or ocean marine insurance, please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at

Follow these 5 easy steps when making any insurance purchasing decision to help ease your mind and make the process as smooth and simple as possible.

Shot of a couple looking stressed out while working on their finances at homeThe promise of an amazing benefit is great, but what happens when you try to use that benefit and experience resistance? That seems to be happening more and more when it comes to low-cost insurance plans. When buying insurance, a person is buying an intangible promise. With that mindset, one can see why low-cost insurance is rarely ever low-cost.

Can’t Have Good, Quick, and Cheap

Ever hear the saying you can’t have your cake and eat it to? Typically, with anything in life, you get what you pay for. Consumers are constantly trying to save money any way they can on products or services they buy. However, depending on the product or service, a good “deal” can quickly turn into an absolute nightmare. Low-cost insurance plans are no different. Consumers can expect to receive delayed quotes, slow service, claims issues, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

You’ll Pay for It Later

Saving money on premium doesn’t always mean that you’re saving money overall! Many times, those who opt for cheaper insurance end up paying more in the long run because of a lack of coverage that was unknown to them when trying to use their insurance, or even worse, no coverage at all. Imagine being involved in an emergency situation that ends up with you being in the hospital, the last thing you want to be worrying about in that moment is being stuck with the entire hospital bill which could end up being tens of thousands of dollars.

Possibility of No Service

One trend that has popped up as of late are insurance companies offering cheap plans to grow their business. However, businesses can’t afford to continue to operate on low margins, so the customers are the ones who end up suffering. Having a plan with great benefits, but no service when actually trying to use it results in disappointment for the consumer.

Consumers vs. Insurance Companies

Insurance companies are usually very large, so going toe to toe with one is no easy task if you have a dispute with the plan that you have purchased. Even if the consumer is completely in the right about a particular claim or situation, the costs and time involved can be substantial. It is for this reason that you really need to do your research and choose the best plan for your needs, not just the cheapest.

Use a Broker!

Insurance Brokers often get a bad reputation but using a broker can help you avoid situations like this. For one, the majority of brokers are well-versed with the ins and outs of the insurance industry and can help you avoid a negative trend that you may otherwise know nothing about. Not to mention, brokers work for you! Brokers typically operate at no extra cost to you as it would be if you went straight to the insurance company to get your plan. If you would like to learn more details of using an insurance broker, read our previous blog, “Why You Should Use an Insurance Broker”.

Having proper insurance is important in every aspect of life. Whether you are at sea needing international coverage, looking for proper life insurance coverage, going on a vacation, etc. MHG is your specialized broker. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to find the policy that works best for you. If you are interested in purchasing, or have any questions about marine crew insurance, travel insurance, U.S. life and health, expatriate insurance, or property and casualty, please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at

When buying insurance, a person is buying an intangible promise. With that mindset, one can see why low-cost insurance is rarely ever low-cost.

Serious confused young couple checking bills, bank, loan documents with using laptop, large credit card bills, reading bad news, having debt financial problem conceptAs a busy crew member on a yacht, one of the most disturbing things to greet you upon returning from a long rotation is a medical bill demanding you owe thousands of dollars. Navigating the medical systems in the U.S. can not only be one of the most daunting endeavors, but also one of the most complicated. Which is right where we are waiting to step in!

Let the Experts Handle It

Frequently, we are contacted by crew members who have a bill in excess of $10,000 and are panicking because the letter is very threatening. Many times, they don’t even know where to begin to fix it. That is where we will step in and handle it for you wherever and whenever possible. Never pay a medical bill without contacting us to let us research it for you. It can often be as simple as a claim form needed to be completed. If you sought care inside the U.S, you will most likely receive multiple bills from a hospital visit, leaving you completely overwhelmed. It is not uncommon for this to happen in the U.S. and again, crew are ill-equipped and inexperienced to handle it.

Do Your Homework, and Keep Records

Utilizing your insurance to the best of your ability is our goal. Claim issues can often be avoided by just understanding your policy or taking the time and due diligence to pre-certify. We are available to review the policy with you and answer any questions you may have. It is also imperative one keeps copies of all the bills, receipts, charges, invoices, etc. from any doctor facility visits. In the event there is an unpaid claim, or it appears you owe a balance you already paid, you are able to validate.

It Happens More Than You Think

A recent case of a U.S. medical claim gone awry is with a shoulder surgery that a crew member had well over a year ago. They pre-certified as required, chose a network facility to minimize any out-of-pocket costs, and believed that the bills were all paid. Fifteen months later, they received bills from collection agencies threatening them. They reached out to us for assistance and luckily, we were able to find that the facility as well as the doctor had been paid and they never recorded it properly. We contacted the insurance carrier on behalf of the crew member, obtained copies of the payments, and dealt with the collection agencies. Once we provided them the proof they had been paid-in-full, the crew member was no longer under any legal responsibility for the bills.

As your insurance administrator, we are here to help you understand not only your benefits, but also to be the fixer when possible. We can work with the providers, the insurance carrier, as well as collection agencies, if it has gotten to that point, to avoid yourself from having to spend valuable free time on the phone trying to get a solution. At MHG, our commitment to service sets us apart from our competitors. We not only sell the policy; we never leave your side after the fact.  And if you happen to need medical assistance, we want you to know, you are not alone in this. Just reach out and let us help. If you are currently experiencing any issues with your Crew Insurance, have questions about your policy, are looking for a new policy please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us at

Navigating the medical systems in the U.S. can not only be one of the most daunting endeavors, but also one of the most complicated. Which is right where we are waiting to step in!

Horizontal rear view color image of male crew member standing on luxury yacht boat and looking on sea view during sunny day.When you decided to become a yacht captain, you dreamed of an adventurous life spent cruising the ocean at the helm of a mighty vessel. While that is certainly part of a captain’s life, there are also a host of other tasks you must accomplish when accepting the responsibility of a yacht captain. 

One of the most important of these tasks may include choosing a yacht crew insurance plan for you and your crew. When searching for a comprehensive marine crew insurance plan that will ensure your crew are protected, consider the following: 

Evaluate the Full Value of the Plan

The plan you select will play a role in determining the financial security of your owner and crew, so you need to carefully choose the coverage based on features and services provided. Do not focus solely on the cost. MHG has been providing yacht crew insurance for over 20 years and during that time, we have seen insurance plans come and go. Right now, there are some new plans out there that look like Gold, for the price of Pyrite! Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Please, do not buy insurance (or most anything else) based solely on lowest cost. Talk to someone who can help explain what you are really getting (or not) before something happens and you find yourself or your crew thinking something was covered that isn't. 

Crew Leisure Activities May Require Extra Coverage

Yacht crews tend to be adventurous souls focused on enjoying an active lifestyle and working on the water presents the opportunity to indulge in some very exciting activities. Some of your crew’s favorite leisure pursuits carry an increased risk, however, and some yacht crew insurance policies do not cover injuries obtained while engaging in certain activities. There are insurance plans that include additional coverage for sporting activities, such as scuba and other water and winter sports, so be sure to look for those features. A comprehensive marine crew insurance plan that includes coverage for crew leisure activities will decrease liability exposure and protect both owner and crew.

Comprehensive Emergency Services Must Be Included

When a member of your crew suffers a serious injury or illness there are a number of issues that must be resolved quickly. If your crew member is unable to travel with your vessel or continue working onboard, you may be required to provide a flight home for that crewmember. You may want this feature included in the marine crew insurance plan you choose, along with adequate provisions for emergency medical evacuation and repatriation of remains.

Tailor Your Coverage to Your Crew

When choosing a marine crew insurance policy, the best way to balance costs and benefits is to consider the specific composition of your crew and the coverage desired. For example, if you don’t have any North American crew and do not plan to sail in North America, you can save premium by purchasing a policy that does not include coverage there. Does your crew consist of several members who have been long term crew for this particular yacht owner? Perhaps you should consider tailoring a plan to provide additional benefits for your crew above and beyond the standard policy. 

The experienced Insurance Specialists at MHG Insurance Brokers are ready to help you with all the details of what coverage every crew member should have, and which carrier is best for your particular situation. MHG Insurance Brokers offers a wide range of yacht crew insurance plans and international medical insurance for expatriates, with customizable coverage for all nationalities and itineraries.

One of the most important of these tasks may include choosing a yacht crew insurance plan for you and your crew. When searching for a comprehensive marine crew insurance plan that will ensure your crew are protected, consider the following.

Foam wake in the Mediterranean SeaEach year at SeaTrade we reminisce about how much cruising has grown since its inception, but this year, the industry is on the cusp of one of its most massive growth spurts yet. In addition to the ongoing and constant introduction of new tonnage by the mass market heavyweights, this year multiple new players are about to introduce ships into service in the premium, luxury and expeditionary cruise sectors. Cruising always offered different options to the public however the pending industry growth and expansion of riverboats, luxury, expedition and other cruise experiences means that the future of cruising is all about diversity.

The technology, innovation and imagination of the industry continues to startle and amaze. Cruising has moved beyond baked Alaska, buffets and shuffleboard to tattoos, rollercoasters and polar expeditions! Indeed, today a cruise exists to suit every preference and (almost) no destination is out of reach. The wealth of cruising options available to the public is immense. Big ship, medium ship or small ship? Alaska, Asia, Europe, Galapagos, Antarctica or a world cruise? Family fun, reunion or romantic getaway? Theme cruises? Broadway and Vegas style entertainment? The cruise industry continues to diversify and grow and so does the consuming public’s choices and options for cruise experiences.

Notwithstanding all the enticing bells, whistles, gimmicks and innovations, every new cruise ship still requires officers and crew to serve its guests and safely operate the vessel. As cruise industry technology continues to advance, the need for certain specialized training amongst the crew increases. Training and investing time to educate crew is not an inexpensive matter. For every new LNG powered vessel and innovative technologies in bow thrusters, propulsion & emission systems mean additional training and certification amongst the crew is needed. The newest generation of cruise ships crosses the spectrum of small mega-yachts to multi-thousand passenger-ships akin to a small city. For a seafarer, this diversity implies totally different work spaces, conditions and operations, thus different training.

With the expansion of the luxury sector, this creates a demand for crew that can provide superior service. Luxury brands tend to attract a repeating loyalty base of customers who acknowledge and expect consistent superior service. Many luxury operators focus on the guest-crew ratio, aspiring towards one crew member per paying guest. However, this means that these seafarers must often do multiple tasks to make up for the lack of other crew. Not every crew member is capable of delivering high-end 5- or 6-star service. To this end many luxury operators have their own schools or programs devised to provide specialized service training for certain crew to meet the high demands of its customers.

Perhaps the biggest pending expansion in the cruise industry is within the expedition sector. Traditionally these types of voyages were entirely destination driven but bare bones minimal so far as service and cuisine. The new expedition ships boast 5- and 6-star service complete with helicopters, submarines, decompression chambers and expedition leaders. The high degree of technology, service & innovation encompassed in these new vessels combined with specialized polar navigation rules and remote, isolated and longer itineraries implies a further need for specialized training and certification amongst crew.

All the above implies that as the cruise industry continues to grow and diversify the training and education of seafarers will also diversify and as a result continue to be more complex and costly. Accordingly, cruise operators should look to protect the substantial investments they are making in their crew in order to train them for these diverse cruise experiences. The LNG engineer, the personal butler and the expeditionary team leader are all seafarers, each with a unique skill set relative to the vessel they are employed on. Having to replace any of these jobs can be challenging. Accordingly, each of these crewmembers should be viewed as an asset to be protected and retained.

As part of any employee retention strategy, the offering of employee benefits should be highly considered. Indeed, many existing cruise companies have taken their obligations under the Maritime Labour Convention (2006) seriously and already provide some crew with a basic benefit package that includes insurance and retirement account(s). The new entrants into cruising should definitely take note. The diversification of the industry will require diversification of crew. Competition for competent and diverse crew will only increase over time but providing a menu of benefits to your crew can help to ensure that they remain happy in the job, and able to contribute to the company’s future successes.

MHG offers a diverse package of benefits for seafarers. Come and see us at Seartrade, Booth 2349!

Cruising always offered different options to the public however the pending industry growth and expansion of riverboats, luxury, expedition and other cruise experiences means that the future of cruising is all about diversity.

Smiling ship commander standing with his arms foldedThe cruise industry has always provided an amazing opportunity for those looking to travel as well as expand their career to something different from the norm. However, seafarers don’t simply step onto the gangway and into a job. A cruise operator must place substantial time and expense in sourcing, recruiting and training of its seafarers.

With the cruise industry currently on the verge of a massive expansion over the next 5-7 years, sourcing, recruiting, hiring, training, and ultimately retaining quality competent and qualified crew will be a critical factor for the successful cruise operator going forward. At last count, there was a minimum of 125 new cruise vessels on order. Remarkably, this growth expands across the spectrum of this industry, ranging from gigantic mass market behemoths to small, medium sized, luxury and expeditionary vessels. Accordingly, a conservative estimate of new seafarers to be sourced, hired, retained and required to crew this influx of diverse vessels is upwards of 150,000. With all this growth, and new cruise ships of all types and designs on the horizon, what steps have you taken to get yourself ready?

Crew Will Require More Specializations Than Ever Before

Not only will a plethora of new crewmembers be required, but the future of the cruise industry will entail more advanced crew specialization, including sectors that have never been seen before. The evolution of LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) power will necessitate new specialized technical education and training for engineers. Up to 40 new luxury vessels (and counting) implies a need for staff with a higher level of white glove, concierge service experience. The over 28 new expedition class vessels will look to combine LNG technology as well as luxury service, which will result in crew that may need to be specialized in several different areas to keep onboard staffing as low as possible given the smaller capacity of these ships. In short, the cruise industry overall will need to recruit, train, and retain a new generation of specialized seafarers.

How to Set Yourself Apart from the Competition

Retaining the best crew in the wake of industry expansion will only become more of a challenge as the demand for quality specialized crew becomes more competitive. Thus, having a long-term strategy in place for employee attraction and retention will be imperative. A happy and contented crew results in higher productivity, less turnover, and as a result, hopefully, increased revenue.

There are many factors that affect overall job satisfaction: working conditions, opportunity for advancement, workload & stress level, co-workers & management and of course financial reward. Increasingly though, financial reward cannot be limited to just money in the bank at the end of the month. The solution lies in an integrated employee benefits package; and this package takes on an increased level of importance as it not only affects the officer or crew member but potentially their dependents as well.

MHG Insurance offers different insurance solutions for many areas of business. Our years of experience in working with the marine industry can assist you in maximizing the overall value that a solid benefits package brings to the table. If you would like to discuss a rolling benefits strategy, or are interested in purchasing marine crew insurance, contact us at or call us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to assist and guide you to the best coverage for your budget. MHG Insurance will be at Seatrade Miami this year! Come see us at booth 2349!

With the cruise industry currently on the verge of a massive expansion over the next 5-7 years, sourcing, recruiting, hiring, training and ultimately retaining quality competent and qualified crew will be a critical factor for the successful cruise operator going forward.

White yacht at the marina in the evening.Bon Voyage! It’s time to set sail on your dream career, and it may not have been one you originally considered!

Working as a crew member on a superyacht can be a very fulfilling job. At one point it was considered a job that you can do for a few years while you are young before settling down, and make/save as much money as you can before transferring to a position on shore. However, things are changing, and changing fast. More and more individuals are considering becoming a superyacht crew member as a career choice, find out why.

See the World

One of the most popular reasons people consider becoming a crew member because it is a means to see the world. Scratch that, get paid to see the world. How many jobs do you know of that pay you to travel to some of the world’s most beautiful locations?

Becoming More Appealing

Through the years, there have been more legislation and maritime laws put in place to make becoming a crew member more appealing. Many of the laws protect crew and require owners to provide insurance coverage and other benefits to crew, making the position more attractive.


Working onboard a yacht now often requires an extensive level of professionalism. There is much more to it than helping to keep up a boat while getting to sail around the world. You are serving guests who are paying for and expecting a high level of class and service, and the yachts are becoming more and more sophisticated. If you go through all the training, then there’s a good chance you will want to make it a long term career.

Room for Growth

There are many different positions on a superyacht crew. From Deckhand, to Captain, there are plenty of opportunities to move up the ladder. Yachts are being built every day, and those new positions must be filled by someone, preferably with some experience.

Great Compensation

Superyacht crew members can make a great salary. The amount of money you make usually coincides with the size of the yacht you are working on. Not only is the money great, but while working onboard you can save a large portion of it because you won’t need to spend much while on a yacht. You live on the vessel, so there is no rent, and your food is normally also covered.

While the money may be great, there is a catch. You will be required to be away from home and/or your family from home for long periods of time. This may be why a career choice is often for those who are single.

Highly Specialized Field

Anyone can become a crew member, but no one can become one overnight. Working onboard a yacht can require you to have training that is highly specialized. Whether you are the person setting the tables, or the person cooking the food, there are training and classes one must take before working at sea. Depending on the position, you may need a combination or training, licenses and certificates, and practical experience.

There are many reasons why being a yacht crew member is a great career choice, however it is a big decision to make. It will require a lot of dedication and commitment, so do your research in order to assure that this is the career of your dreams.

Having proper insurance is important whether you are at sea or docked at a shipyard. MHG is your specialized broker when it comes to crew insurance. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to find the policy that works best for you. If you are interested in purchasing, or have any questions about yacht crew insurance or travel insurance, please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at

Bon Voyage! It’s time to set sail on your dream career, and it may not have been one you originally considered!

African man browsing work opportunities online using job search computer app, black jobless seeker looking for new vacancies on website page at laptop screen, recruitment concept, rear close up viewHave you ever wanted to work on a yacht?

Being part of a yacht crew can be a fulfilling career experience. Getting to travel the world, sail the open seas and meet new people, are just a few of the many benefits of joining a yacht crew. From first glance, it seems like a no brainer, this profession may be one of the best career paths you can choose. However, there are further assessments one must take when looking into a new position. That goes for those who are looking to get into the profession, as well as those who are currently part of a crew that are looking to jump ship. Follow these tips to help you decide what you should be looking for in a new yacht crew position.

Don’t Just Look at Money

Have you ever heard the saying, “Cash is king!”? Making money in life is important, but it isn’t the only thing you should be focused on. Your happiness is as important as making money. Don’t let salary be your only motivator when looking at a new yacht crew position, or any job for that matter.

Check Out the Itinerary

For some, the itinerary of a yacht is an important dictator of whether they will want to fill a position on a certain yacht. There are parts of the world that some do not want to visit for personal reasons, and there are some who may have spent a large amount of time somewhere and want to see a different part of the world. Just remember that itineraries can easily change, so be flexible and consider all the factors before deciding.

Don’t Be Seasonal

Depending on where you’re located, the yachting business can be very seasonal, with some parts of the year being busier than others. But just because it may be a seasonal industry, doesn’t mean you should be a seasonal worker. Yacht captains like to hire individuals who have proven longevity and commitment. If you are looking for a seasonal job, you may need to look elsewhere.

More than Just a Job

Working as part of a yacht crew is more than just a job, it’s a lifestyle. Being away from family for months at a time and living in close quarters with others for long periods is not for everyone. It’s clear to see how it may be taxing for those who are not fully committed. There is a lot to be sacrificed, however the rewards can be well worth it.

Benefits are Important

Sometimes, the benefits that are offered by a job can be just as important as the income. That is because those benefits will have a variety of different coverages depending on the program the yacht has for the crew. When looking at a new position, you must try to make it a priority to review benefits such as health insurance coverage, disability insurance, life insurance, etc. That’s just one area where MHG is here to help!

Having proper insurance is important whether you are at sea, or docked at a shipyard. MHG is your specialized broker when it comes to crew insurance. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to find the policy that works best for you. If you are interested in purchasing, or have any questions about yacht crew insurance or travel insurance, please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at

Follow these tips to help you decide what you should be looking for in a new yacht crew position.

Shot of a businessman using a digital tablet while woking late at the officeWorking onboard a superyacht can be a very fulfilling job. You will probably receive great benefits, have unforgettable experiences, and develop lifelong relationships. While there are many positives to working on a yacht, there are still aspects of the job that can be quite taxing on someone, and make them consider transitioning to a job onshore. If you find yourself wanting to settle down, and have a more stable position, the following is a list of things you need to consider when transitioning from a yacht crew member to working a 9-5 job!


Wages for yacht crew members are unique to each position. Crew members can make anywhere from $25,000 per year to upwards of $250,000. If you have been part of a yacht crew for an extended period of time, and worked your way up the ladder, there is a good chance that when transitioning to a corporate job, you will be making less money than what you have become accustomed to working onboard a yacht.


Something else that must be considered by yacht crew who are transitioning to a 9-5 job is the additional expenses that you are going to incur. While working onboard a yacht, you don’t have to worry about expenses such as rent, car payments, grocery shopping, etc. These are expenses that are sometimes unavoidable in order to live. Also, many times people assume the cost of living is a lot less than it actually turns out to be in the end.

Work Environment

The work environment in an office is much different than on a yacht, so you may experience a bit of a culture shock. While working on a yacht, you are usually on call 24/7, and much is expected of you. Go above and beyond to keep guests happy, as they are usually paying top dollar. While you should still go above and beyond in any workplace, working in an office won’t require the same demands. For example, if something is broken on the vessel, you may be required to get your hands dirty and do some physical labor. Working in an office typically doesn’t require much physical labor.


Rules are rules, and they are not meant to be broken if you wish to have a successful career. An office setting has different rules than a yacht. There are privacy laws regarding clients, privacy laws regarding colleagues, local government laws that must be followed, possible federal ones, and everyone’s favorite, HR. Working in close quarters allows people to become close and maybe develop special relationships that may be inappropriate for the corporate world.


The employee or job based benefits that people get working in corporate positions are different than those of people working on a yacht. For one, many places only cover 50% of your health insurance, while onboard a yacht it is usually covered 100%. Also, most jobs will offer some sort of retirement planning program like 401K that you can use to prepare for retirement.

Something to keep in mind if you are working for the United States for the first time is that the U.S. does not have socialized healthcare like many European countries do.

Having proper insurance is important whether you are at sea, or docked at a shipyard. MHG is your specialized broker when it comes to crew insurance. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to find the policy that works best for you. If you are interested in purchasing, or have any questions about yacht crew insurance or travel insurance, please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at

If you find yourself wanting to settle down, and have a more stable position, the following is a list of things you need to consider when transitioning from a yacht crew member to working a 9-5 job!

luxurious yacht motorboat in the sea, luxury private boat cruiseMany people consider chartering a yacht one of the most luxurious ways to go on a vacation, or see different parts of the world. Sailing the open seas while having a crew cater to your needs can be the ultimate way to relax.  But what if something comes up and you can no longer go on the vacation of a lifetime? Or you need to reschedule? Things come up all the time, and there is no better way to protect yourself from the unexpected than getting the proper insurance coverage. Who wants to pay all that money for a trip that they can't even go on?

Things Go Wrong

Based on life experiences, it is safe to say that at some point in life things won’t always go as planned. Life is unpredictable and plans often change. One of the basic issues that insurance protects us against is the fact that life is unpredictable. So while you may not be able to prevent a situation from happening, you can prevent an issue from becoming a worst case scenario. There is no need for something to go wrong and ruin your plans. Vacations are about having fun and creating memories, not headaches that could have been avoided if you had trip cancellation insurance!

Protect Your Investment

Success isn’t reached without a proper management of risk, so don't let your investment go unprotected! Many of your assets such as your business, home, cars, and other items have the protection they need in case of an unexpected issue. There is no reason that your vacation shouldn’t have similar protection as well.

Can No Longer Go on the Trip

For some, going on an extravagant trip like chartering a yacht can be a large expense. There are many different obstacles that can arise that may keep you from being able to go on your trip. Here is just one example.

You have decided to charter a yacht for you and your family to visit a few islands in the Caribbean. The total cost of your trip let’s say is $50,000. The day before you leave for the trip, you become ill and need to go to the hospital. You have a bad case of the flu and need to stay in bed for a few days, just in time for your vacation. Clearly, not a good time to be on vacation, so there goes $50,000 down the drain. Unless you have the proper trip cancellation insurance!

What Will Be Covered?

Typically, a good trip cancellation insurance plan should protect you from many issues that may come up causing you to cancel your plans. Some of the items covered are usually injury or illness, natural disasters, property damage, traffic accidents, schedule conflicts, theft, etc. For more information on the different types of coverage that trip cancellation insurance offers, contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at

Liability is often unavoidable in life, which is why you need to have protection in all stages of life. Our ‘concierge service’ can assist you in finding the proper coverage for all aspects of your life. Our insurance specialists have the experience and knowledge to get you the best life insurance, health insurance, marine crew insurance,marine general liability insurance, business insurance, expatriate insurance, or travel insurance for your budget.

Things come up all the time, and there is no better way to protect yourself from the unexpected than getting the proper insurance coverage. Read more!