Aerial View of Luxury MotoryachtIt’s not easy trying to decide what the best yacht crew insurance benefits plan is for yourself, let alone an entire group of crew members. After all, everyone has different needs and wants, and trying to accommodate everyone so that all parties are happy and satisfied is nearly an impossible task. To start things off, there is a ton of research to be done, quotes to look over, and conversations to be had. That is before getting to the part of trying to address the potential turnover among crews, ever-changing rules, and regulations, and most importantly setting your vessel up to try and attract the top talent out there. Which brings us to our next point, offering a competitive benefits plan can be the key to keeping existing crew members happy ad engaged. Don’t know where to start? That is where we come in!

Medical/Health Insurance

Health or medical insurance can speak for itself. While most people are aware of or have experience with health insurance and what comes with it, there are many different aspects of a plan that needs to be considered. How much is the deductible? Is there a co-pay? What is the co-insurance? Does it include dental, vision, and/or disability? Feeling overwhelmed? Please feel free to contact us for assistance and guidance on what plan would fit your yacht crew best.

Life insurance

While most people may consider life insurance as a personal option, there are a growing number of yachts that are including life insurance coverage as a part of their overall benefits package. Offering coverage for your crew can give them some assurance that if anything happens to them while they are at sea, their loved ones will better protected financially back home. Typically, the coverage amount is fixed in increments of $10,000, up to $100,000.

Accidental Death and Dismemberment

Accidental death and dismemberment, also known as AD&D, is very similar to life insurance. The difference is that there is only a benefit from an accidental death, or dismembering injury. This type of insurance typically provides coverage 24/7, not just while at work.

Personal Accident

Personal accident is similar to dismemberment coverage and is an important insurance policy for your crew members. Often referred to as PA cover, personal accident insurance will pay out a sum of money for permanent injury (and sometimes permanent illness). It is often confused with medical insurance; however, it doesn’t provide coverage for any medical bills or doctors’ appointments, it simply provides a one-time payment after experiencing a permanent injury or illness.

Temporary Disability Insurance

Temporary Disability insurance is a great way to offer coverage for your crew in the event they get hurt and cannot work for a short period of time. Having this policy will cover a percentage of the person’s wages if they are unable to perform their occupation and can last for up to two years due to an injury or illness. If the disabling event becomes permanent, the personal accident (if purchased as above) may kick-in and pay a lump sum.

Hospital Indemnity

Hospital indemnity insurance at first glance would make you think that it covers hospital visits, however that is not the case. Think of this type of insurance as a poor man’s disability insurance. Depending on the policy, it provides a benefit each day your crew member is in the hospital. For example, if someone were hurt on the job and had to go to the hospital, the insurance would pay that person $100 per day that they are admitted in the hospital. This does not cover their hospital bills; it just provides the person with an added benefit.

Features That Are Not Features

While the above list is not exhaustive of every option and feature, one thing to note is that some insurance providers tout features that do not hold true. For example, there is no such thing as a Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) compliant yacht crew insurance. It sounds good, but it means nothing. Another thing to be wary of is a plan that says, ‘unlimited coverage’. Almost always with international policies, there are restrictions and limitations on the benefits such that the ‘unlimited’ part is quite ‘limited’.

Having proper insurance is important whether you are at sea or docked at a shipyard. MHG is your specialized broker when it comes to crew insurance. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to find the policy that works best for you. If you are interested in purchasing, or have any questions about yacht crew insurance or travel insurance, please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at For more information on preparing to work on a yacht, read our previous blog, “ Yacht Crew Insurance Terms 101

Offering a competitive benefits plan can be the key to keeping existing crew members happy ad engaged. Don’t know where to start? That is where we come in!

Jack Okell smilingDOUGLAS, ISLE OF MAN (February 22, 2022) – MHG Insurance announced today the promotion of Jack Okell to Senior Analyst. In this newly created key position, Jack is responsible for collating data, conducting high- and low-level data analysis, and internal and external reporting. Jack actively works within MHG’s Lloyd’s of London coverholder operation to ensure requirements are satisfied, and to improve MHG’s delegated authority capabilities. Jack also handles International Special Risks, assisting clients with sourcing cover appropriate for their needs from both the London market and wider company markets.

Prior to this promotion, Jack joined at MHG as an intern in 2016, and quickly worked his way up to a full-time position. With this new promotion, it shows that MHG is continuing to grow, largely due to the dedication and commitment of its team members.

About MHG Insurance

Established in 1991 in Miami, Florida, MHG Insurance is an independent, global, full-service insurance brokerage and consultative facility. Through its extensive relationships with international underwriting markets, MHG develops and provides a full range of employee benefits, risk mitigation programs, property and casualty insurance and financial services all supported by comprehensive attention to service support for all of our clients. In the marine community, MHG is well known for its expertise in the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC 2006) and developing MLC-aligned crew insurance solutions. In the U.S., MHG provides group and individual employee benefits along with advice on federal regulations regarding the Affordable Care Act. For more information about MHG Insurance and the services we provide, please visit

MHG Insurance announced today the promotion of Jack Okell to Senior Analyst.

Diverse team in coworking space voting some colleagues agree raises hands. Positive black leader woman with creative group of businesspeople discussing sharing ideas together in office at meeting This past year has been unique to say the least, some have prospered while it may have been a challenge for others. Overall, it seems like there is now a light at the end of this tunnel. The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact in every industry in every corner of the world. While the effects of this pandemic are obvious, there are some potential impacts that you may have not considered and should be brought to your attention sooner rather than later. After all, with so many job openings, you want to do everything you can to stand out from the competition.

According to Forbes, The percent of small firms reporting open job positions reached a 47 year high at 48% in May’s NFIB Small Business Economic Trends survey. Over 60% of business owners report a shortage of labor, over 20% characterizing the shortage as “critical” to business operations. Over 80% reported a loss of sales due to the labor shortage, 19% experienced serious losses. These statistics show how important it is for you to prioritize your culture, as that is one of the first things employees consider.

What is important to my employees?

We recently conducted our own survey, where we asked, “What is most important to employees?”, and our findings raised some eyebrows, with the majority of employees saying that work/life balance was the most important aspect of a position. Other selections included compensation, opportunity for advancement, and benefits. One would have to imagine that the results would have been very different before the pandemic, as employees have gotten accustomed to working from home, enjoying more time with loved ones, and having the necessary flexibility for a healthy work/life balance.

What can I do to assess my company’s culture?

First off, one of the best things a company can do is to have open lines of communication with it’s workforce. Schedule regular meetings and one on ones between employees and decision makers to get the necessary feedback to make any changes if needed. Also, it is crucial that you LISTEN to each employee, as everyone has different experiences and different interactions. You may find that lose who are lower in the chain of command have the most to say, and that is how it should be, as they often have the most contact with clients.

It’s time to go to work

While industries are pleading to get people back to work, it’s time for you to get to work on obtaining the company culture that you wish to implement. There are steps to take if you want to improve, and steps to take if you want to sustain.

Selecting the right health insurance plan for you or your employees can be a difficult task, but the experienced insurance brokers at MHG are glad to help you sort through the terminology and key features to determine the best health insurance plan for your situation. Our Insurance Specialists will help you assemble a complete insurance offering that includes health insurance, gap insurance coverage, life insurance, disability, and more. Call us today at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at for help in selecting the ideal health insurance plan for you and/or your employees.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact in every industry in every corner of the world. While the effects of this pandemic are obvious, there are some potential impacts that you may have not considered and should be brought to your attention sooner rather than later.

Walking along the deck of a cruise ship at seaUnderstanding insurance and all the details that go with a policy can be difficult to say the least. Even more so for cruise line crew members, or anyone who requires international coverage. With so many “moving parts”, if you have never used your coverage, or learned how to maximize your coverage, it can be quite a daunting task figuring out where to even start. Which is where we come in! We have provided below information to help you better understand your coverage.

Getting Started

When you first enroll in your new insurance policy, take the time to set up a personal online account. Part of setting that up includes getting your ID cards, downloading any corresponding apps, and obtaining any policy documents. It’s also important to save these documents or know where to find them in your personal online account.

When it comes to reviewing your policy, we recommend looking at the digital copy online so you can find specific terms and sections using the search function (Ctrl+F). Also, be sure to review the Summary of Benefits, which is an overview of your coverage. It is always best to read through the entire policy document for additional conditions and requirements or exclusions. For example, Physical Therapy might be listed in your summary with limits or conditions. If you review the policy further, it may state that you are required to obtain a physician’s prescription.

Finding a Provider

When trying to find a doctor or a provider, there are some things you need to know. When outside of the United States, you are not required to see a particular provider. Most insurance companies will offer a section in their website that allows you to search for providers in different countries. However, when inside the United States, it is recommended that you see a provider within the Preferred Provider Organization Network (PPO) when possible.

A PPO provider is a group of doctors that have agreed to provide care under your plan at a certain rate. Staying within the PPO usually offers the best coverage and overall discounts. When accessing your personal account online, you can search for PPO providers in your area. If you have a doctor already, but they are not in the PPO, you are still able to stay with this doctor, but the amount you must pay may be different for some services. In your policy Summary of Benefits, you can see what the coverage is for services outside of the PPO network.

Do I Need to Pre-Certify?

First things first, what does pre-certify even mean? Pre-certification is the process used to determine whether the services delivered or scheduled to be delivered to a patient are medically necessary and appropriate. It also allows your insurance company to assist in managing your health care costs. It is required when something is “major”, such as surgery or being admitted in the hospital as an inpatient. A detailed list of all the items that require pre-certification will be in your policy. If you are not sure if your procedure requires pre-certification, you should contact your insurer directly.

There is no need to pre-certify when going through routine doctor’s appointments, check-ups, or other minor office visits. But we recommend that you always check pre-certification requirements before any procedure or treatment. Some policies reduce the percentage of coverage if you have not pre-certified your services. It can be up to 50% of a reduction in coverage, so it is important to ensure anything major be pre-certified.

These are just a few basics in understanding your insurance coverage. MHG Insurance has been helping seafaring crew throughout the world for over 30 years. We believe ensuring that crew get the insurance support they need in a timely manner is not only essential but a fundamental service as your broker.

In our next blog, we will cover Insurance Claims - When to File and Key Points to consider. For questions or assistance, please contact us at or call us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668. Until then, happy and healthy sailing!

Understanding insurance and all the details that go with a policy can be difficult to say the least. Which is where we come in!

What Is an Umbrella Policy?

Father splashing water and having fun with son on back yardDid you know? Years and years of hard work, saving, and planning can be gone in an instant. All because you were involved in an accident, or someone injured themselves in your home or on your property. Accidents can happen anywhere, anytime, and are never expected, but what if I were to tell you that you could protect yourself, your business, and/or your family at an extremely affordable rate? There’s no reason to go through life worrying about when or where an accident is going to happen. Purchasing an Umbrella policy can help give you peace of mind when protecting your assets.

What Is an Umbrella Policy?

Just like the name says, an Umbrella policy provides an excess layer of liability protection. It typically extends over your current auto and homeowner’s policies to provide a higher level of coverage when needed. The Umbrella policy is triggered when the underlying limits on your auto or homeowner’s policy have been exhausted. In some cases, an Umbrella policy may provide coverage for losses that are not covered by a typical auto or homeowner’s policy. It is important to work with a knowledgeable insurance agent to be sure you have the correct policies in place for your situation.

More Coverage

If you own a business, you may wonder if this type of policy is available to protect your company in the event of a liability claim. There are times when your business or company will need Excess Liability coverage. You may have a business contract with a company that requires you to have more coverage than your General Liability policy can offer. Rather than increasing your General Liability limits, many times you can get an Excess Liability policy to cover the contract requirement. It can be more cost effective to purchase an Excess Liability policy rather than increasing the policy limits on the General Liability policy.

You Have A LOT to Protect

It’s not uncommon for someone to be involved in an accident and immediately look to sue. All it can take is for someone to slip and fall while walking on your property. If that should ever happen, it could threaten your financial security.

If you are looking for protection for your personal assets or your business and would like more information about Umbrella policies, MHG Insurance would be happy to assist you. Also, if you are looking to purchase other various forms of insurance such as General Liability or Professional Liability, our insurance specialists have the experience to assist your business and offer advice in finding the perfect plan to fit all of its needs. Contact MHG Insurance today at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at

Purchasing an Umbrella policy can help give you peace of mind with protecting your assets.

summer tropical beach background; glasses and palm tree reflexThe weather is nice, the kids are home for summer, are you ready for a vacation? It is safe to say that many of us would have the same answer to that question. YES! Even though most cruise line crew members have been home, as cruising has been at a standstill, we know how hard this year has been for everyone mentally and physically. Rest and relaxation are crucial, with a tumultuous year seemingly more and more in our rear view, and summer front and center, it may be time to start planning a getaway. While we are not out of the woods completely in terms of the pandemic, there is no denying that the world is itching to get “back to normal”. However, there are some important steps you need to consider when you decide it is time to get away.

As we have all witnessed, having proper medical coverage is more important now, than ever before. There are still some unknowns regarding travel, and who knows about potential hotspots. Having necessary preparations in place can make the difference between a stressful or stress-free time away. No one wants their summer vacation ruined, especially with it being the first one in a while. Which is why we decided to put together a checklist for you and your family to make sure you are “insurance ready” for your next holiday or vacation!

Plan Ahead

Plan now so you do not have to worry about it later. We realize the last thing you want to think about when planning a fun and exciting trip is insurance but being “insurance prepared” can help ensure a stress-free enjoyable time. When planning, ask yourself these questions:

  • If you get sick or injured, are you covered in the country you are traveling to by an existing insurance policy?
  • Are you required to have proof of medical coverage in the country you are traveling?
  • If you do have proper insurance, does it have ample coverage to protect you and your family in case of an emergency?

In addition to insurance related preparations, there are some medical housekeeping preparations you should consider as well:

  • Do you have enough of your medication for the time you will be away?
  • If you lost or forgot your medication, do you have a list of the meds you take and can you obtain them in the country you are visiting?
  • Do you know who to contact in the event of an emergency?

Things to Consider

When thinking about medical coverage, there are some things you should consider, depending on what your trip has in store. For example, does the medical plan include the following:

· Will there be coverage for the unexpected illness or injury that occurs while you are traveling to your destination?

· Is there evacuation cover in case of serious injury?

· Does your policy have restrictions on activities considered to be “Extreme” sports?

· Does your plan have a mobile app, and have you uploaded it to your phone?

· Is telemedicine covered? (i.e., telehealth or Dr. on demand)

Obviously, there is no way to totally plan for the unexpected, however that is why you plan ahead. As different policies offer different benefits, you may wish to check your policy wording for any specific exclusions. It is recommended that you always travel with your ID card, a list of emergency contacts, and have access to your insurance policy. Be sure to stay tuned to our website for future blogs and articles explaining what to do in case you need to use the coverage, and how to properly navigate your way through the claims process.

MHG Insurance offers different insurance solutions for many areas of business. Our experience and role in the cruise industry is something that we hold in high regard. Our vacation medical plans for officers and crew are tailor made to fit your specific lifestyle. If you have any questions regarding your existing plan, or are interested in purchasing individual marine crew insurance, contact us at or call us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to assist and guide you to the best coverage for your budget.

The weather is nice, the kids are home for summer, are you ready for a vacation? It is safe to say that many of us would have the same answer to that question. YES!

an asian chinese family moving into new house admiring their houseLife insurance is not always a topic that people want to discuss for obvious reasons, however, given the state of the world, it needs to be at the forefront of everyone’s minds when it comes to your future plans. According to Bankrate, “54% of Americans had life insurance coverage in 2020.” As we’ve seen over the past year, anything can happen, and it is always better to be prepared and not need, than to need and not be prepared.

What does Term Life Insurance mean?

Term life insurance refers to a type of life insurance policy that offers coverage in the event of a tragedy for a specific amount of time, or a "term". Depending on how long you need coverage for, and the amount of coverage you need, term policies can protect your loved ones from 5-30 years with a death benefit anywhere from $100,000, to possibly as much as 25 times your salary.

Why Term Life Insurance over Whole Life Insurance?

There are essentially two basic options when it comes to life insurance:

  • Term Life, also known as temporary life insurance.
  • Whole Life, also known as permanent life insurance.

Term life insurance may benefit you from several standpoints. Most importantly, it is more affordable than whole life insurance, given an equal coverage amount. That is because the coverage is only for a limited time, rather than for the rest of your life, so there is no guaranteed payout which means less risk for the insurance company. The additional money left in your pocket can be used to invest and build assets for when your term is completed.

When to buy Term Life Insurance?

As you now know, term life insurance covers you for a temporary amount of time. One of the biggest factors in determining when to buy a term life policy and is anticipating when and how long others may be dependent on your income.

  • Did you just have a child?
  • Did you recently get married?
  • Do you have a mortgage?

These are 3 of the most common reason people elect to purchase a term life insurance policy. Coverage until your child is grown, to cover your spouse until sufficient assets are acquired, or until your debt is paid off.

Do you want to leave more to loved ones? Cover potential loss of income to the household? Then you will need to account for your debts and add more coverage beyond them in order to leave a legacy. Our experts can help you formulate what amount would be best for you in your situation and budget in this case, or any case for that matter. Have further questions about life insurance? Give us a call! Contact us today at 954 828 1819 or visit us online at for a quick and easy quote!

Term life insurance refers to a type of life insurance policy that offers coverage in the event of a tragedy for a specific amount of time, or a "term". Read more!

Young woman with suitcase staring at view We have all thought about it at one point. What would it be like living abroad? The allure of diving into a new culture, discovering opportunities, and learning about yourself is something that many have at least thought about. Some get to experience this due to their job and have to work in a place outside of their home country. While living the life of an expat can certainly have its positives, there are some stressful situations you can find yourself in. One very important reason that comes to mind is assuring you have the proper medical coverage you need, especially being in a foreign place.

What is the best expat health insurance?

If you are an expatriate, and are in the market for expatriate health insurance, you may find yourself overwhelmed with the options of plans to select. So, rather than asking, “What is the best expat health insurance?”, try asking “What do I want or need in my expat health insurance. Let me explain.

What do I need in my expat health insurance?

First and foremost, you need to make sure your medical plan will cover you internationally, as many U.S. health insurances do not include international coverage. It is also important to do some research about the health insurance requirements of your destination country. A number of countries will not let you relocate unless you have health insurance coverage in place, and some require specific coverage, such as medical evacuation or repatriation. Also, if you work will require additional travel, you will need to make sure you will have coverage in those destinations as well. 

What do I want in my expat health insurance?

What you want in your policy really begins to go in line with your budget. For example, how much coverage do you want now that your necessities are covered? Do you have an idea of what you want your deductible or copays to be? Once your needs are met, depending on your budget, you should be able to customize your health insurance to fit your particular lifestyle and budget.

How can I assure that I have everything I want and need?

That is easy, work with a top-rated insurance broker! When looking for the best insurance plan for you and possibly your loved ones, it is always a good idea to work with the experts. For one, they are up to date on everchanging laws and regulations, which benefits you, as you have enough on your plate planning a move to a foreign country. Second, they are experts in the field of insurance, and will be able to help you on all the tricky lingo, such as deductible and max-out-of-pocket. Brokers also have access to a multitude of carriers, so if you have a list of coverage options that you want, they will not be limited to one insurance company, and should be able to offer you a “menu” of different options depending on your budget.

Many of us at MHG are expats ourselves and we understand the global insurance needs of international businesses, and individuals and families living and working around the world. Our Insurance Specialists have the experience, knowledge, and access to multiple international insurance carriers to find you the most suitable plan based on your budget and future plans. Our commitment to your well-being does not end once you have purchased a plan; through our “Concierge Broker Service”, we will continue to assist you with questions about your policy and provide assistance throughout the claims process. Call us at +1 954-828-1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at for help finding expatriate insurance coverage for you, your family or business!

If you are an expatriate, and are in the market for expatriate health insurance, you may find yourself overwhelmed with the options of plans to select. That's why we're here!

Group of people having meeting and disscusing at the office In today’s world, employers and employees alike are looking to find an edge over the competition. Receiving benefits from your employer is something that all employees appreciate.

Why Offer Employee Benefits?

Statistics show that offering employee benefits is a key to inspiring a healthy and loyal workforce, as well as attracting and retaining the top talent. According to LinkedIn’s Global Talent Trends 2020 report, the number one reason Millennials leave their positions is because of compensation and benefits! Followed by advancement opportunities and more challenge. Many people still think of Millennials as a young group with little experience, however, that generation is now becoming established in a professional setting, as their ages range from early 40’s to late 20’s. Which means it is time to follow the trend!

Reduce Turnover

One of the major benefits of offering benefits is reducing turnover. While attracting top talent is important, retaining it is just as important. There are both tangibles and intangibles associated with hiring and keeping your staff, let us consider the knowledge, skills and abilities top talent take when they leave, consider the gap that is left until another candidate is up to speed which can be a long process. Additionally, the long-term strain of added responsibilities on the remaining staff can negatively affect morale leading to additional turnover. According to Willis Towers Watson , 78% of employees said they are more likely to stay with their employer because of their benefit program, so it would seem like a no-brainer right?

Save Money

It is time to talk about money, while it may initially reduce your bottom line, adding benefits could actually save you money, especially in the long run. According to TLNT Talent Management and HR, the cost of replacing an employee can range from 50% to 400% of their annual salary. Many decision makers do not think of the costs associated with a new hire, from training, classes, tools and equipment, etc. Those are just the tangible costs, but there are several intangible costs as well, team fit, growing pains, and knowledge of products or industry.


One thing all businesses should be working toward is sustainability, which is the sweet spot between profit, people, and the planet, “the 3Ps”. Aligning your strategic objectives with your mission and values will contribute to your sustainability. Building and maintaining a good company culture has an array of positive outcomes the 3Ps, happy employees stay longer, they do better work and have a positive impact on your customers and the community. How do you build and maintain a good culture? Well employers who take a genuine interest in their employees well-being will create the best working environment. Providing the right benefits plays a dynamic role in one’s well-being.

Selecting the right health insurance plan for you or your employees can be a difficult task, but the experienced insurance brokers at MHG are glad to help you sort through the terminology and key features to determine the best health insurance plan for your situation. Our Insurance Specialists will help you assemble a complete insurance offering that includes health insurance, gap insurance coverage, life insurance, disability, and more. Call us today at 954-828-1819 or visit us online at for help in selecting the ideal health insurance plan for you and/or your employees.

In today’s world, employers and employees alike are looking to find an edge over the competition. Receiving benefits from your employer is something that all employees appreciate.

A luxury yacht docked in the marina. Special jobs require special insurance, and that couldn’t be more true when it comes to choosing the insurance for your crew. Having your yacht crew covered with proper insurance goes deeper than selecting a good policy for everyone or trying to save money here and there. As you may know, there is often a lot of turnover among crews, which also bring added costs and expenses. According to Superyacht News Each time a lower-rank crew member leaves, it costs the yacht owner up to €5,000, even €10,000. With officers, it can easily get up to €20,000 in flights, paperwork, specific boat training, safety drills, uniforms, ‘lost’ inventories, mistakes and breakage.

Offering a competitive benefits package could be a way to keep crew members happy and engaged. There are several different policies that you should consider if you are the decision maker. Whether you are a Yacht Owner, Yacht Captain, or the person who has been delegated the responsibility of selecting the insurance for everyone on board, we are here to help!

Medical/Health Insurance

Health or medical insurance can speak for itself. While most people are familiar with having health insurance or what comes with it, there are many different aspects of a plan to consider. What’s the deductible? Is there a co-pay? What about co-insurance? Does it include dental and vision? If you feel overwhelmed, please feel free to contact us for assistance and guidance on what plan would fit your yacht crew best.

Life insurance

While many consider life insurance as a personal option, there are a growing number of yachts that are including life insurance coverage as part of their benefits package. Offering coverage for your crew may give them some assurance that if anything happens to them while they are at sea, their loved ones will be more able to cope financially back home. Typically, the coverage amount is fixed in increments of $10,000, up to $100,000.

Accidental Death and Dismemberment

Accidental death and dismemberment, also known as AD&D, is very similar to life insurance. The difference is that there is only a benefit from an accidental death, or dismembering injury. This type of insurance typically provides coverage 24/7, not just while at work.

Personal Accident

Personal accident is similar to dismemberment coverage and is an important insurance policy for your crew members. Often referred to as PA cover, personal accident insurance will pay out a sum of money for permanent injury (and sometimes permanent illness). It is often confused with medical insurance; however, it doesn’t provide coverage for any medical bills or doctors’ appointments, it simply provides a one-time payment after experiencing a permanent injury or illness.

Disability Insurance

Disability insurance is a great way to offer coverage for your crew in the event they get hurt and cannot work for a short period of time. Having this policy will cover a percentage of the person’s wages if they are unable to perform their occupation and can last for up to two years due to an injury or illness. If the disabling event becomes permanent, the personal accident (if purchased as above) may kick-in and pay a lump sum.

Hospital Indemnity

Hospital indemnity insurance at first glance would make you think that it covers hospital visits, however that is not the case. Think of this type of insurance as a poor man’s disability insurance. Depending on the policy, it provides a benefit each day your crew member is in the hospital. For example, if someone were hurt on the job and had to go to the hospital, the insurance would pay that person $100 per day that they are admitted in the hospital. This does not cover their hospital bills; it just provides the person with an added benefit.

Features That Are Not Features

While the above list is not exhaustive of every option and feature, one thing to note is that some insurance providers tout features that do not hold true. For example, there is no such thing as a Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) compliant yacht crew insurance. It sounds good, but it means nothing. Another thing to be wary of is a plan that says, ‘unlimited coverage’. Almost always with international policies, there are restrictions and limitations on the benefits such that the ‘unlimited’ part is quite ‘limited’.

Having proper insurance is important whether you are at sea or docked at a shipyard. MHG is your specialized broker when it comes to crew insurance. Our insurance specialists have the knowledge and experience to find the policy that works best for you. If you are interested in purchasing, or have any questions about yacht crew insurance or travel insurance, please contact us at +1 954 828 1819 or +44 (0) 1624 678668 or visit us online at For more information on preparing to work on a yacht, read our previous blog, Yacht Crew Insurance Terms 101.

Special jobs require special insurance, and that couldn’t be truer when it comes to choosing the insurance for your crew.